Mile Post


New member
Is there a way in surveyor to place mileposts close to accuracy. The only way I know of is in drive but when I get where I want to mark it there is no way. thanks funnnyfarm
Make a long straight track.
Put a ruler next to it to measure a mile.
Create a consistent on that track that is exactly the length of that mile. Put a colorful car at the end.
Save consist.
Use that consists on your route to measure the miles on curved tracks.
For those distantly/metricly challenged (like myself - I always have to look these things up), 1 mile is ‪1609.344‬ meters or 5280 feet. :)
Re Post #1 funnyfarm

Try <kuid2:97008:60823:1> : Measuring Wagon Imperial 52\'8 Red by willem2 on the DLS.

Cheers evilcrow
Wish I'd known about those assets -- I roughed out thirty miles with the ruler, then went back over with a speeder and counted ties to the nearest landmark according to the odometer when one was off...

You just wasted allot of time, as RR's do not necessarily place a milepost, at each and every mile location ... some markers are mile & decimal (ie: 237.6), and only at major signal or control points, or are spray painted stenciled on electrical cabinets, or a bridge, or stone abutment
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You just wasted allot of time, as RR's do not necessarily place a milepost, at each and every mile location ... some markers are mile & decimal (ie: 237.6), and only at major signal or control points, or are spray painted stenciled on electrical cabinets, or a bridge, or stone abutment,'s.a.branch.with.occasional.signals..Besides,

Sorry.for.the.fullstops, there was a solution for them posted the last couple of days, and I read it and promptly forgot it... Now there, it cleared up on its own. ????

You just wasted allot of time, as RR's do not necessarily place a milepost, at each and every mile location ... some markers are mile & decimal (ie: 237.6), and only at major signal or control points, or are spray painted stenciled on electrical cabinets, or a bridge, or stone abutment

Not all, but almost all. All the railroads out here are marked every mile of track. The major points you mention still have specific locations marked such as 52.4 or so forth. But this is in addition to each actual mile post being posted.


-I just created some boxes, acting like railcars, to gauge my mile marker distances. But not all miles are actual miles, for example, the first three miles coming out of Barstow on the Cajon Subdivision are long miles, in other words, longer than 5,280 feet.


If the distances are critical, then using ultra long cars will give you short measure. With long cars you are actually measuring with a series of straight lines. It seems that short cars would be preferable.

As I have no idea where you live, I can only tell you this.

The BNSF has mp xxx.xx on EVERY grade crossing system wide, gated, un-gated and Private.
