Midshire V3


New member
were is one supposed to find the dam track for this route or do we put in our own.This is another example of download station not having all the files or the creator not finishing the route before up loading Thank you in advance for any help
You have not given much information but I am guessing that they are 71619 kuids

There is a pack here:


If these are not the ones you want then a view dependencies will list your missing kuids and you can the go to trainzkuidindex:


and search for them or if that fails list them here.

There is also a lot on British Trainz Forums about Midshire Mainline v3 here:


and this gives an alternative link for the tracks as :

Last edited:
The version of Midshire that has appeared on the DLS today kuid:94531:100079 uploaded by piegem is an unauthorised clone and I'm just going through the process of asking for it to be removed from the DLS .

When the DLS has been sorted to support uploading of build 3.5 content then I will upload an updated version of the route that will remove the need for third party non DLS content .