MicroDem and HOG vs TransDem


New member
I would like to experiment with computer-generated terrain using DEM data. To get started I installed MicroDem and HOG and used an excellent but outdated (2003) tutorial to create the file 'Tutorial Layout.gnd' which is supposed to be moved into the folder \Auran ...\World\Custom\Maps.

I found out that my TS2009 file structure is quite different from that of TS2003, no Maps folder exists and I have no idea where to put the .gnd file.

I have two questions:

1) Is there any way that a .gnd file created by MicroDem/HOG this way can be used in TS2009? If so, how?

2) If not, is TransDem the way to go or are there other options?

I'd really appreciate recommendations.

Thanks in advance
TRS2009 & TransDEM

The route files created by TransDEM in TS2006 format can be imported into TRS2009 without any problems.

G'day FloridaGuy,

Firstly, I'll answer your second question...

...for maybe 18 months, I perservered with the MicreDEM/HOG method, with less than ideal results, until I found Global Mapper, which (in combination with HOG) gave me much better results. Then I discovered TransDEM/TranzDEM about four years ago. After purchasing my copy - for what I can only describe as a "mere pittance" (given the program's capabilities), I have NEVER looked back (and the results are PERFECT - every time - just ask my 'customers')...

...as to the answer for your first question, yes, it is possible to 'import' a route created by MicroDEM/HOG into TS 2009 but it is somewhat time consuming. First of all, you need to follow the tutorial as if to create a full route (which I guess you have been doing) but instead of storing the five files that would be stored in the %Trainz%/World/Custom/Maps/"route name" folder, you can create the "route name" folder in the "/Local" directory of the TS2009 root directory. From there, you must then open CM 2.0 (I think it is for TS 2009) and from the 'File' menu, select 'Import Content'. Point the dialogue box to the location of your "route name" folder and click [OK]. CM 2.0 will import the file into TS 2009 (in it's new format) and you should be good to go...

...you still cannot go past TranzDEM, which can now, with version 2.1, export directly into TS 2009 format without any intervening steps (I swear by it)...

Jerker {:)}
It also deserves mention that TransDEM can handle the 5m base grid available in TS2009 and later; I don't know if MicroDEM can handle these,
G'day FloridaGuy,

Firstly, I'll answer your second question...

...for maybe 18 months, I perservered with the MicreDEM/HOG method, with less than ideal results, until I found Global Mapper, which (in combination with HOG) gave me much better results. Then I discovered TransDEM/TranzDEM about four years ago. After purchasing my copy - for what I can only describe as a "mere pittance" (given the program's capabilities), I have NEVER looked back (and the results are PERFECT - every time - just ask my 'customers')...

...as to the answer for your first question, yes, it is possible to 'import' a route created by MicroDEM/HOG into TS 2009 but it is somewhat time consuming. First of all, you need to follow the tutorial as if to create a full route (which I guess you have been doing) but instead of storing the five files that would be stored in the %Trainz%/World/Custom/Maps/"route name" folder, you can create the "route name" folder in the "/Local" directory of the TS2009 root directory. From there, you must then open CM 2.0 (I think it is for TS 2009) and from the 'File' menu, select 'Import Content'. Point the dialogue box to the location of your "route name" folder and click [OK]. CM 2.0 will import the file into TS 2009 (in it's new format) and you should be good to go...

...you still cannot go past TranzDEM, which can now, with version 2.1, export directly into TS 2009 format without any intervening steps (I swear by it)...

Jerker {:)}

Ditto Trans/TranzDem is the only way to go. I just did a DEM of south pheonix and just for giggles got 10000 ft orthos and made utms.... ALL 1800 of em and not to mention all the splines that have been laid out already and opened it up in 2010 without issue.

Here is a screen shot of just one of the 3 yards...

FloridaGuy;722571 1) Is there any way that a .gnd file created by MicroDem/HOG this way can be used in TS2009? If so said:
As no one appears to have answered this question properly.
For a new dem from scratch, not one imported from an old version.
Create new blank route in surveyor, save, Open for edit, copy the mapfile.gnd into the open folder overwriting the existing one close and commit, nothing complicated about it at all.

I used Microdem with no problems in 2009 and merged an extra chunk in 2010. The grid size is controlled by Hog as that is what creates the actual mapfile.gnd and is not changable.
Here is a screen shot of just one of the 3 yards...

Christ, that's so flat looking that using ANY DEM program was probably a waste of time :)

But seriously, I've tried both - being poor buying transdem was something that had to wait for me until fairly recently - and MicroDEM/HOG is a lot more complicated and frustrating. You can probably get pretty good results given enough time, but TransDEM is far easier in the long run.

It's just a shame that there's no demo of transDEM to enable you to decide beforehand if you want to spend the 22€ on it - although I'm not sure how Roland could really do a demo version...

I think that fact alone puts a lot of people off, it's hard to justify when you don't really know what it'll allow you to do...

Anyway.. /me goes back to checking on the ~2000 UTM import into TS2010 from transdem :)
I can thoroughly recommend Transdem, it gives good results and the ability to get map overlays direct from mapping servers in addition to traditional georeferencing makes it a versatile and essential route building utility.

My only complaint is that it takes about 45 minutes to set up a new route in Trainz, then you have to find 2 - 3 months to build it!
G'day FloridaGuy,

Clam1952 wrote...

..."Create new blank route in surveyor, save, Open for edit, copy the mapfile.gnd into the open folder overwriting the existing one close and commit, nothing complicated about it at all."...

...which I must admit, works perfectly well for me, too. Since I am still relatively new to and as yet unaccustomed to the intricate inner workings of TS 2009 and TS2919, you may ignore my 'suggestion' (I'll have to remember that method, myself)...

...still, if you can afford that "mere pittance"...

Jerker {:)}
Many thanks to all for good information. I'm going to try clam1952's technique since I've already created the gnd files, but after that I think I'll take a flyer on TransDEM.


I just found this "you can now set the horz pixel resolution directly from Modify-> Map area -> Set map Pixel size. Just enter 10 in the dialog that comes up."

My question is would you want to set it at 5 vs. 10 if your using the 5 meter grid in 2009 or 2010?
HOG replaces the .gnd file of the template route with its own creation. Whatever you set in Surveyor for the one baseboard route, it will not survive. HOG wouldn't be able to read the TS2010 .gnd file anyway. HOG was written in the pre-TRS2004 days and the file formats have been modified several times since.

Surveyor is able to import the legacy .gnd format produced by HOG which has the 10 m grid. You can change to the 5m grid after import, but without gaining terra-forming detail.
Yes, I am. In the very first version of TransDEM Trainz Edition I also relied on HOG for the final step transferring the terrain data to Trainz.
I have nothing wrong with paying for your software. I'm sure there are features and tools available that the dated HOG process just can't do. It's just that I'm familar with the old HOG process. I would like to create some new maps tonight and I'm just not sure I'm ready to take on a new learning curve.

How did you get TransDEM to do that photo map mscri.

Been trying for ages to get that effect with a photo map to make it easy to places assets. Explanation would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
Self-included tutorials...

:cool: TransDEM has the best help files I know of, every listing in the contents page(and all through the manual), directly takes you to the topic.

There are several tutorials including the use of Google .kml-georeferenced maps

Read every page of the manual(I printed mine, both sides of the page bound in a three-ring lose-leaf notebook, in color with a cover page).

Then walk yourself through the tutorials.

Using TransDEM TrainzEdition is easy & fun, but you will still need to become familiar with terminologies, file formats, sources, etc. There are two separate Help files, one for the making of the map, the other for the Trainz specific instructions. Both contain tutorials.

This gets easy with practice.
Christ, that's so flat looking that using ANY DEM program was probably a waste of time :)

But seriously, I've tried both - being poor buying transdem was something that had to wait for me until fairly recently - and MicroDEM/HOG is a lot more complicated and frustrating. You can probably get pretty good results given enough time, but TransDEM is far easier in the long run.

It's just a shame that there's no demo of transDEM to enable you to decide beforehand if you want to spend the 22€ on it - although I'm not sure how Roland could really do a demo version...

I think that fact alone puts a lot of people off, it's hard to justify when you don't really know what it'll allow you to do...

Anyway.. /me goes back to checking on the ~2000 UTM import into TS2010 from transdem :)

Actually there are quite a few hills/mountains just beyond the draw distance...:D