The scenery is from my route for the Tri-Rail sets. It is in Miami.
EDIT: The pics w/Tri-Rail are my new fictional San Diegan commuter route in California
Funny that i did these back in TRS 2004 but never did finish them. i imported them into CMP for TRS2006 but lost the cab car. I had got it working again only to find that CMP completely erased all config and tga files for the trirail F40 i also skined. Needless to say i was very disappointed
and has lost interest in it. Still ,you have done a great job Isaac they are very nice skins! also I like the look of the layout it has a Miami feel that is instantly recognizable Great looking track may i ask whats the name of it
Is that really Tri-Rail's color scheme? I see at least 27 violations of basic design principals there. (chiefly the photograph on the side of the car. I mean, it's a railroad, not a billboard.)