Merging layouts with differnt hights.

Do you have TransDEM? If so, according to Lars' thread posing the same question, there is a tool that you can use to do it.

Other than that, the only thing I can think of is copy/pasting the terrain/objects/textures to baseboards at the same height and then re-laying all track by hand (not so bad for small layouts, but problematic for big 'uns).
Without TransDEM, you need to be sure the 2 routes are within 100 or less of an elevation difference. in the route config, you should see this:
world-origin {
 latitude     38,53.4,1
 longitude     77,1.2,-1
 altitude     0
You can manually change altitude by 100 but not more than that. Check the height of the areas in Surveyor where you would like to merge, if 100 or less, figure the difference and modify one route config accordingly.
You could also have a transition area of some new baseboards where the two routes marry up. Then you could add whatever terrain you wish to make it a smooth looking transition. I've done that before and it works well.


Without TransDEM, you need to be sure the 2 routes are within 100 or less of an elevation difference. in the route config, you should see this:
world-origin {
 latitude     38,53.4,1
 longitude     77,1.2,-1
 altitude     0
You can manually change altitude by 100 but not more than that. Check the height of the areas in Surveyor where you would like to merge, if 100 or less, figure the difference and modify one route config accordingly.
I like your ideal but there is more then 100 difference what i was going to do was merge andys clovis to mcall yard but there is a big difference hieght.
If you're not 100% au fait with TransDem or editing config.txt files, there's an easy way I found when I merged Falkirk route with the Oban route and later Ayr to Stranraer.

1. Place a new baseboard (or two or three if the height difference is immense) at the end of the first route at the point you want to merge. (At this stage, if you leave then grey, it makes them easier to locate when you're merging)

2. Merge the routes placing the new route at the end of your new baseboard.

3. From the track selector, use the "Get Spline Height" tool to ascertain the track heights of both routes at the merging point.

4. Lay your new track to join the two routes and use the fit track to terrain tool to bring the terrain under the track up or down to track level.

5. Mess about with surrounding terrain contours to suit yourself.

6. Paint new baseboard.

7. Go decorate with buildings.

8. Save

9. Go Play!
Hi guys,

I'm nearly 100% sure that editing the config file with the number mention above will Only make the height readout in the Tab related to the ground editing tools be offset with up to the 100 meters you put into the config file.
It will Not make any route higher - at least I never ever been able to get that part to work.

What will work is either get hold of a tool to edit all the files associated with the map, the ground, track and object files.
There is also a way to get hold of a tool doing this as part of a bigger tool, which is the one Lars linked to.
TransDEM works perfect for this job, but it cost money and is normally used to create DEM based maps.
Or, if you want to trace a topomap for hand. LOL

But, if someone can show me that the above written by me is wrong, I would love to change it as sometimes it can be very useful to have a fast easy way of changing the base height.

Best wishes all

i will mess with it see what happens i have always been a painter not a route maker lol
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