Meet, Greet & Eat Orange NSW November 10th


Just call my Captain Rude
I am proposing a meet for coffee or what ever. Had one in Bathurst already this year so putting Orange forward this time. Think I have the date right to coincide with the Orange Society of Model Engineers running day.

Would make a great day trip from Sydney or West Sydney on the XPT.

Also anybody interested in a Christmas Meet, Greet & Eat round December 15th in Lithgow ??

Let me know bearcat
Great idea --that man--

(and interested others)
The Lithgow Christmas function certainly sounds like a good turn
<memo to self> mark calendar
Colin and I went for a scramble along the old line (prior to the Ten Tunnels) and the connections to the newnes line at Clarence Colliery in July 06 < for the athletic supporters>
We could possibly get together at Mt Vic - picturesque Station to view passing trainz etc - Craft shops if significant others need a reduced Trainz diet
I think I might be able to make it to Orange, I'll try my hardest;)
(And yes, the 10th coincides with OSME's running day, it was unusually quiet yesterday, I got to laze around alot:D)

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Well we spent today leveling out the track after the mild floods....
Should be a good day next Saturday.

Look forward to meeting anyone who comes.

B platform
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I MIGHT be able to im trying to convince my parents to go up there soon to see OSME...
Also what month would it be cause this month i can't cause my dads going golfing on the 10/11.
Our next running day is on the 10/11, I'm un-sure as to whether or not we have a running day in December or not...
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Our next running day is on the 10/11, I'm un-sure as to whether or not we have a running day in December or not...

Hoping to be there - new video is looking good as got DVD printer back from being fixed - how many copies you want as christmas presents will do you a bulk discount.
Can't make Orange, but interested in Christmas at Lithgow. Also Mt Vic (where, BTW, there is a great Museum in the old Station)
DO they have a coffee outlet out mt Vic the only qway we can get Colin form the smoke there is if they have coffee
Slight Corrections

Collin is a Tea Man
Plenty of great little Tea Shoppes etc at Mt Vic

Hope next Saturday at Orange goes well.
I have called an at Home for Sunday11th Nov-- definitely interested in the Mt Vic/ZZR outing in December


(((loose shunting enabled)))
Shunting finished-- Heads up for this weekend-- I Need some Trainzing

ADDED: Unfortunately the trainzing has been de railed-- appologies to any that hoped to Zig Zag this weekend-- See you in the New Year-- Seasons Greetings to all

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You never know who will drop in

Having to stay at home had one advantage out of the blue Jimbo4203 dropped past for a visit, he is alive and kicking. Was only a passing visit, he purchased a few videos, 4 diffrent titles,with a promise to catch up in the new year.