"Mea Culpa" Testimonial


No Friend requests please
I feel rather silly posting this, but if it helps another member then it will have been worthwhile. I have been involved in Trainz since before the release of the first edition. I have made content, and worked on some that Auran has published, and I have been a member of TrainzProRoutes for a long time. I also was quite active in the old forum, so I speak from experience.

I have always liked Trainz, and like everyone else, always wanted each new version to be the best it could be, but the magic has been missing for a long time. I remember driving a train in MSTS, and thinking "Wow....this is so awesome!" I remember showing it to people...anybody that would look, I just thought it was amazing. When I switched to Trainz, I got the same feelings, because it was so much easier, and had better features than MSTS. Then I started making content, and got involved in TPR, and most all of my time was sunk into creating. I think the most I ever used Trainz as it was intended was when I was making the sessions for Regional Passenger Transit, and that grew into repetitive work very early on.

Well; I recently built a new computer and went out for the best parts I could afford, namely a Duo Core 6850, and an 8800 GPU 640. I know soon they will be like the P4 and 7800AGP I just moved up from, but the thing is, I've actually been playing the game lately. The beefier PC certainly helps, and running congested routes is a pleasure now, but I have to say I have a new appreciation of the program in general.

Whatever faults it has (2006, BTW) it still has, but it occurs to me that the magic is back. Perhaps I just needed a better PC, but man, it's running great! I spent about 6 hours yesterday running one continuous session, and I really began to marvel at all the program actually does. It kept track and co-ordinated movement of all 16 drivers and 23 consists without a single error. It spat out consists from 4 portals without a single glitch. The graphics were superb even in the driving snow and darkness. The sound was.....well, the sound was acceptable...better than it was on my old PC, even though I'm still using the centuries old SB live card! I really got immersed in the game for the first time since the Community Edition.

I don't know, maybe Trainz needs some real processing power to run right, or maybe I've turned a corner on it or something, but I have to admit that Trainz is really one Heck of a great program. With all it accomplishes, it's just pretty amazing. I may even buy Trainz Classics now....maybe.:p

Hi Ed

I think the trouble is not many of us who create actually play the game as it was originally intended, we tend to get bogged down in little idiosyncracies (like why in the hell does notch 6 down to 5 go quiet all the time), rather than give it the proper thrashing it deserves.

Its been real interesting watching the Kuju Rail Sim release and how the release of the new product meets the same sort of reaction as releases here. Still, it sounds like there's a ways to go there before it catches up to what we have in Trainz. Things have still got a long way to go in the TRS franchise though before we get to the sim we really want, but then, at least we have a reasonable platform with which to keep refining.

Thanks for your post though, its refreshing to read that giving your machine more grunt makes TRS shine a bit better.

I don't know, maybe Trainz needs some real processing power to run right, or maybe I've turned a corner on it or something, but I have to admit that Trainz is really one Heck of a great program. With all it accomplishes, it's just pretty amazing. I may even buy Trainz Classics now....maybe.:p

I fear you may have to leave TPR after these comments. ;)

Good to know the enjoyment is back. :)
I fear you may have to leave TPR after these comments. ;)

I know you're just kidding....but maybe others do not. TrainzProRoutes members love Trainz.....they have just (officially) decided to support 2004 primarily. If you must know, John Keenan's pension is so paltry he couldn't afford to buy 2006!:hehe:

I have been a vocal detractor of many things Trainz over the years. I find that it's easy to get cynical and develope.....wait for it........wait for it......"Tunnel Vision"!

It's been refreshing for me to enjoy Trainz in a new light, and appreciate what it can really achieve, hence the title of this thread.

PC Power

I agree that the PC power is the be-all and end-all of running Trainz successfully.
I upgraded mine about a year ago (I expect it's behind the times now!) to just under the best there was (the variation in costs was stunning) and the difference was remarkable in 2004.
Because I create routes I will stick with 04 because most people can run them on either version.
The better the PC, the better Trainz will run, it needs loads of ooomph, simple as that.

I Agree....


The first PC I loaded TRS2004 onto was AMD 1Ghz with 512M Ram with, if you can believe this, onboard video. I paid $19.99 USD in the cheap bin for TRS2004. I bought it as a gift for someone else. I put it on my computer in summer of 2005 just to check it. Driving trains around bland scenery bored me and I almost gave it up. The I discovered something that I had a real passion for....Steel mills. AD602000 (Pete) & Annastazia (Tony) made a bunch of really good steel mill assets. I started to learn how to build routes and use the download station. I was hooked. Spent $300 USD on two video card upgrades to nvidia 6200. TRS2004 is much more stable in surveyor than in driver mode. I spent most of my time building routes. I got used to frequent crashes and the need to save often. I upgraded my PC to AMD 3200+ 1.5G ram and 6800 GPU and it never crashes. It might run slow but it will not crash. It has improved my trainz experience.

I really admire you new system and hope that you enjoy it.

PS don't you think its silly to spend $19.99 for a sim game then spend thousands for hardware to run it. I don't.:hehe:
A refreshing post. It's good to hear someone is enjoying Trainz as much as I do. With all of the griping about this and that on the forum, Trainz really is a bargain and a great program. It's not just some game that's always the same when you play it. You can create your own world or recreate a portion of the existing one. It's also got something for all kinds or rail enthusiasts. You can create your own world, create content, run simple consists on a route or set up complicated sessions that can take hours to run. I love it.
Trainz really is a bargain and thanks to Auran for giving it to us.
Euphod...I applaud your comments

It takes a person with a lot of character to admit that his/her prior opinions may have been distorted by something as simple as computer power.

Please continue to enjoy Trainz with your new PC.

Looking forward to your comments and posts, even those that may sometime be caustic or sarcastic..... they are just fun to read.

........maybe I've turned a corner on it or something, but I have to admit that Trainz is really one Heck of a great program. With all it accomplishes, it's just pretty amazing. I may even buy Trainz Classics now....maybe.:p

I sense a disturbance in the Force....;)
Looking forward to your comments and posts, even those that may sometime be caustic or sarcastic..... they are just fun to read.

Ed- I am especially looking forward to caustic and/or sarcastic :D :D --

Maybe next will be the return of the post count and possibly updated avitars ????
It could happen !

:hehe: Maybe you hadn't tested it enough, Ed. You are still young to do it and regain the taste of sweety what-the-heck-is-going-on-with-that-now :hehe:

Yes, Trainz is a very great piece of software and should be re-invented to keep it being!

Take care,

Alberte :wave:
I have completely lost track (no pun intended) of the hours, (days? weeks? months?) that I have spent over the past few years, simply enjoying Trainz. I have created my own worlds from scratch, and I have also modified to my own requirements many of the wonderful routes that have been created by others and put up on the DLS for us all to enjoy. I'd just like to thank ALL the Content Creators, (Both Freeware and Payware, (you know who you are, Paul) for all the many happy hours I have spent running Trainz, building worlds, and, having the ability to run most of my favourite locos and rolling stock. My particular interest is late GWR/Early B.R. and it's so good to be able to relive happy memories, albeit virtually.:D
Ed, I really enjoy reading your posts. If it weren't for you and your sense of humor this place wouldn't be the same. :hehe:

My particular interest is late GWR/Early B.R. and it's so good to be able to relive happy memories, albeit virtually.:D

I have to echo these comments. I am still living in TRS2004, create my own layouts (Valleyfields now on DLS) and, while I am very disappointed with TRS2006, I still applaud both the Auran crew and the volunteer contributors. They have allowed me to relive a chilhood of grease, steam, hot metal and diesel exhaust and it really has been an emotional journey.

In addition to all that, the constant chatter and support through this forum has been quite incredible.

I believe that we all have a right to bitch 'n' whine 'n' complain ..... but let us not lose sight of the amazing opportunities we do have to play trains. When thinking about what we don't have ......... let us not forget what we do have.


Dear 7592, I had to blink and re-read the originator of this thread about 3 times. Ed, have you turned the corner, seen the light, been abducted by aliens, or something else...:hehe:
A wonderful, honest posting that brought a lump to my throat, may the force be with you sir...Happy trainzing for a long, long time to come I hope for you.

Please, please do another layout similar to your fantastic, fabulous, Regional Passenger Transit 2005. On your new computer, you should be able to knock one up in a few weeks. :hehe:

Thank you.

Cheerz. ex-railwayman.
Ed, I really enjoy reading your posts. If it weren't for you and your sense of humor this place wouldn't be the same. :hehe:


I totally agree. I'm so glad you are posting with your usual good humour, wit and tinge of sarcasm (well your first post here excepted!) as I really missed it when you took time out after the Great Forum Crash of '06.

Its guys like you that make coming to this forum fun!

Please, please do another layout similar to your fantastic, fabulous, Regional Passenger Transit 2005. On your new computer, you should be able to knock one up in a few weeks.

Actually Jeff Ritter from TPR is responsible for over half of that route, it's not all of my making....but I'm glad someone liked it. I'm working on the Western Extension to it right now, which will join with RPT at the Springfield Freight Yard/ Airport area.
