MBTA GP40MC (Lookalike, Reskin) *Large Screen*


New member
Before the people who think they know everything about the MBTA (you know who you are) try to point out the faults on this, just remember I KNOW ITS NOT ACCURATE IN TERMS OF THE KIND OF ENGINE.

I rekinned this engine (and am awaiting an email to release it; hopefully.) because it looked similar to the GP40MC (not GP40). Enjoy; may be released soon. :)

Looks great! I can't wait to give her a spin!

Cheers, John B
TrainzEasternRoutes Chairman
Lead Route Designer
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good enough!

Before the people who think they know everything about the MBTA (you know who you are) try to point out the faults on this, just remember I KNOW ITS NOT ACCURATE IN TERMS OF THE KIND OF ENGINE.

I rekinned this engine (and am awaiting an email to release it; hopefully.) because it looked similar to the GP40MC (not GP40). Enjoy; may be released soon. :)

The model is actually pretty close in my mind, but a bit of the skin seems a little inacurate (no offence), but thats just me.;)
What is a GP40MC, haven't heard of that one.
What engine was used to make that?
Second what Chris said, switch to the GP trucks, look up some on DLS, I know there's joram24's GP reskinners bogey, I used it on a BL2 and I'm soon uploading a Black one once I decide what color I should have the wheels, Also a near white one that should be easier to reskin, tried making a silver metallic one but can't get that metallic look right.
The SD70MACe's are far to large to be a commuter locomotive. I'm not sure off hand what locomotive this is, but I know it runs or has ran passenger trains in the AU.
Nice job MuttsMooch it reminds me of that locomotive from Dave Mirra BMX 2. Are u going 2 make a test run of the GP40MC or MBTA bi-levels on Youtube? Keep up the good work

I've (given up is a rather bland term) but have retired this project. I feel that the C Class engine did not meet the requirements for the skin.

Passing moderator please kill off this thread. :)

I think i might just have to take this into my own hands, ill try the C Class again, and ill try the sd70, but agree with Grogstop, its is it seems way to long, and probably a bit high. Maybe if i can ill try dash 8/9, and for fun ill try Phil_C's great AC4400CW payware, obviously not for ANY release. Before you ask ill say this: thank you soooo much for that little tut on your site Mutts.
Like grogstop said,
The SD70ACE is too long of a locomotive to be used for commuter operations.
anyway, i think it'd look pretty wierd for an SD70ACe to be using GP unit trucks:p

ya, i think the class c is the closest im gonna get without getting a new computer so i can learn gmax.
good luck dude, Gmax is TOUGH for beginners. Try the brick-box tut. first and work your way up. Don't go for large projects yet, you will get very frustraited very quickly.