Unless you want to set the default maximum speed of every train by individually editing every locos config.txt file ... not an ideal solution.
Alternatively, you could use invisible speed signs which only appear in Surveyor. There are a number of these available on the DLS - try V.Lim. Invisible by Flavdu45
Thanks for your reply Peter, I thought that was the case.
I'm familiar with speed signs in all their many forms but I'm making a session on a pre-existing route and I do not want to modify the basic map itself. I had hoped there may have been a rule or somesuch that might have worked.
Thanks for your reply Peter, I thought that was the case.
I'm familiar with speed signs in all their many forms but I'm making a session on a pre-existing route and I do not want to modify the basic map itself. I had hoped there may have been a rule or somesuch that might have worked.
There are railroads in the 'real' world that have very few or no speed limit signs at all - the driver is expected to know his/her route well enough to know what the speed limit is at any point
There are invisible speed limit signs available on the DLS that allow you to set different speeds when passing over a set of facing points dependent how the points are currently set, incidentally, which are really useful when you wish to slow a train when entering a yard or siding, as opposed to the train continuing on the main line.
I am a bit perplexed, however, at your comment that you do not wish to modify a pre-existing route. You can save your route under a different name, modify it to your hearts content, with the original route saved under its original name unaffected.
Perhaps you are concerned with the restrictions or (in some cases) the absolute prohibition contained in the license statement in the route config file. These restrictions/prohibitions can only apply to a user intending to redistribute the route (e.g. via the DLS) having modified them in some way.
It's your PC and you can do what you like with downloaded content - there are control-freaks who say otherwise, but really, what are they going to do about it.
I am making sessions for an existing route which I wish to ultimately put on the DLS (the creator of the route has allowed me to do this).
If I make any changes at all to the map then the sessions will not work (or not work properly) on the original map. The original map uses the default maximum speed, hence my query.
And yes I have had a lot of fun modifying the map to my heart's content and saving it under a different name. No issue there.
Both speed rules are transferable through a session, but the rolling stock needs to have the extension max permitted speed tag added to it. That wouldn't be transferable through a session would it?
Right, the limits, not speed, change if speed limits are installed by the tracks but when the player is driving he can go any speed he wants unless the Max speed rule/tag takes effect.