Matching Track


In have just reinstalled TANE after much consideration as I originally did not like this version - decided to give it another try.
In TS 12 I have used 1 & 2 Track Wood - not both available in TANE.
I cannot find matching 1 & 2 tracks similar to my original choice. Any suggestions as to matching track - I know it will probably be
suggested that only using single track is the way to go.
Help will be appreciated.

TANE only really includes the assets that are required for the default routes plus a few other bits.

You should be able however to find pretty much all earlier/older assets on the DLS if you really want to use these track sections in your route.

However in all honesty you would be better off using one of the newer procedural tracks which look far better and generate proper points and switches. You should be able to do a direct replacement via the relevant menu option for the single track pieces, but where you've used 2T sections these will need to be deleted and replaced with two parallel singles.

The effort will be worth it as the original Auran Wood track belongs back in the ark in 2001 and even leaving aside Protrack there are far better track splines out there and have been for some years! The 2T splines were always a bit flawed as these couldn't be addressed with the straighten tool and cause issues with directionality. For some time now, the general view is they should be avoided when building routes.