Map Bases?


New member
Is there anyway to import maps into the base layer of the map you create? i.e. using a map as a base for a layout thus allowing a more accurate rendition.

You can download MicroDEM from then open a Map in Microdem and Import it into Trainz.Thats as far as I understand it! I"ve downloaded Microdem and a Sample map of Hanging Rock Canyon and I was fooling around with the 3D map last night- zooming in , rotating it and so on.But there are so many things you can do in the this and so many baffling Topographical terms used that I feel kinda like Man Friday looking at his reflection in the mirror! I don"t know if my aim (to import a 3D map of my local area) is worth the steep learning curve it would require to achieve it.The Tutorial is baffling too.:confused: :o :eek:
There are several posts here with tips and links to tutorials. You use MicroDEM to create an image that can be imported into Trainz to give your map the terrain features. Be aware the DEM files (elevation maps) are 30 meter resolution so you won't get totally accurate terrain. You then use MicroDEM to overlay a Tiger file (map) onto the elevation data. This gives you the location of rivers, roadways and of course, railroads. When finished, import into Trainz per the tutorials and you now have a set of baseboards with terrain features and guidelines for laying track. These layouts can be huge, so be aware of what you want to model when you are cropping the final image as that determines how many boards will be in the final .gnd file in Trainz.
You can look for 1km Basemaps on the DLS the texture is easily replaceable, then you just place the basemap on yopur layout and trace the feastures to your layout.
It's slower and more tedious than DEM/HOG, but easier to learn.

:cool: Claude
Another option to start a Trainz route with topographic maps and Digital Elevation Data ("DEM" aka height map) is TransDEM. TransDEM combines the essential techniques and approaches for prototypical route building into a single tool. See links in my signature for more info. TransDEM is payware.
