TRS2004 Routebuilder
Hi Everyone , First time on the forum ! Been with Trainz a few years now and built many routes but the thing that bothers me is - people that upload routes that don't have the point rail splines straightened to correct the curve on points or even add the point motors ! I've seen some great scenery on routes people have made but been dismayed at the quality of the actual trackwork . That what this program is all about isn't it ? Do work on your points though .If anyone needs any tips just ask me I'd be pleased to help. I have one major route nearing completion at present from Manchester to the Peak District via any route ! A lot of work using BR Mileage maps , Ordnance survey ,Google Earth and my own knowledge of the area. Anyone who knows anything of the area will appreciate my 2 years of work on it ! Call it a labour of love ! It's highly detailed and looks SO real !
Thanks to Auran for Trainz - little else gets a chance on my PC ! HA ha . Anyone else building anything the same style ?