Manchester Piccadilly & Peak District


TRS2004 Routebuilder
Hi Everyone , First time on the forum ! Been with Trainz a few years now and built many routes but the thing that bothers me is - people that upload routes that don't have the point rail splines straightened to correct the curve on points or even add the point motors ! I've seen some great scenery on routes people have made but been dismayed at the quality of the actual trackwork . That what this program is all about isn't it ? Do work on your points though .If anyone needs any tips just ask me I'd be pleased to help. I have one major route nearing completion at present from Manchester to the Peak District via any route ! A lot of work using BR Mileage maps , Ordnance survey ,Google Earth and my own knowledge of the area. Anyone who knows anything of the area will appreciate my 2 years of work on it ! Call it a labour of love ! It's highly detailed and looks SO real ! :D Thanks to Auran for Trainz - little else gets a chance on my PC ! HA ha . Anyone else building anything the same style ?
I've seen some great scenery on routes people have made but been dismayed at the quality of the actual trackwork . That what this program is all about isn't it ?

Hi Steve - I would have to answer your question............ no! There are many DLS contributors with different perspectives, just as there are many Trainz users with different expectations. I admire those who create challenging and complex scenarios ...... but never play the games. I admire people like yourself who create very detailed and accurate layouts representing real world locations ........ but most would give my pc a hard time. I admire those who create rather simplistic items but which function really well. Seeing the rivets on my locos give the images a sense of credibility, but I do not need to count them for accuracy.

I see my personal strength in Trainz as creating layouts that are scenically capable of absorbing the user while not cooking their pc. Yes, there certainly is a place for precision and accuracy...... but there are also places for infinite variations.

Just some thoughts.

Regards. Colin.
Hi Everyone , First time on the forum ! Been with Trainz a few years now and built many routes but the thing that bothers me is - people that upload routes that don't have the point rail splines straightened to correct the curve on points or even add the point motors ! I've seen some great scenery on routes people have made but been dismayed at the quality of the actual trackwork . That what this program is all about isn't it ?

Well sort of, apart from the canal layouts with no Trains, the horse drawn layouts from pre trains eras, etc.

There is some variation. I work with a couple of others with an interset in UK layouts etc. if you'd like us to beta your layout flip it to me at jwhelan0112

Thanks John
Hi Everyone ,
... Manchester to the Peak District via any route ! A lot of work ...

It is a lot of work if you're doing a prototypical route!
I agree with you on the need for at least reasonable looking trackwork - does using the "straighten tool" increase CPU load? Or is it really just laziness that people don't use it?
How far to/through the Peak District are you going? I'm doing routes around Nottingham, but may go as far as the line that is now the Midland Rly Centre, and continue it along to Ambergate... which of course will naturally lead on (for someone else!) to the Derwent Valley route to High Peak Jct, the C&HPR, to Matlock, Millers Dale...
Would be great if they could join up!
What's your thoughts on that?
Hi Colin , thanks for your thoughts but it's still good if the thing doesn't derail or jump at every junction and it doesn't take much . I play it too , and that's how I found it annoying that after downloading what sounded as a great route I had to spend two days putting it right before it could be used ! I think if someone has taken the time to build something that looks good visually then doing the trackwork isn't that much . . . just my thoughts. Thanks for yours again . Happy railroading ! Steve
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Hi David , someone that agrees with me ! Ha ha ! Great idea provided they have the orientation set to the compass correctly or it would never join right but I sometimes make smaller sections and join them myself . Now I just load the lot in one ! Must be a few hundred ground blocks to it now . You seem very knowledgeable about the area - you lived around here ? I have for nearly 50 years ! Showing my age now but not bothered ! Experience counts on a project like this . Just finishing the Hope Valley line to link to Sheffield this week and my mate said it's by far the best route he's seen me do ! Got a list of tweaks to do after but I want it as right as a computer sim can do. The extra spline point at the toe end of points then straightening it pulls the points into the curved turnout that they should be and does nothing to cpu that I can see whatsoever - just has to be done - try it . Maybe if you go towards Ambergate we could do a GOLDEN Spike joining up ?HA HA You never know . . .
Hi John , good thinking ! I built one route that is all aircraft ! But still the same thing ..... the invisible track . . . turnouts - who saw a plane suddenly jump left ? The little trick with proper pointwork needs to be done . I'm not trying to make a big issue - it should be normal I think , that's all . look at the real thing and see what I mean - not triangular turnouts ! Thank god for variation - I've also got a Western themed route under construction and another based on the film The Ladykillers ! Remember the scene above the tunnels with the sidings and steam trains , smoke and grime ? All there it looks brill ! I'll sort a copy of the route so far for ya too shortly bud ! Steve
G'day Steveskyliner1,

Indeed, the so-called Peak Line would be a daunting task, as I learned when I purchased a couple of DVDs that cover the line's former glory AFTER having created the Terrain for Trainz using Digital Elevation Modeling, upon being requested to do so by one 'steviez'. I would gladly let you have a copy of the route for your own use but I am not one to go stepping on other people's toes. If you would like to contact 'steviez' and inform him of your interest in the route, I am sure he will let you provide any assistance you may care to offer. I have almost completed the work (also by request from steviez) of the original Millers Dale Viaduct (in Gmax) and will shortly be moving on to the newer construction, specifically for this route.

Jerker {:)}
Hi there Jerker !
I'm amazed that people on opposite sides of the world are familiar with the area that I live in ! I know it has a great history but... there you go. I used to work on the railways here for BR linked to the P/way and ended up walking the length of it ! I expected riding on it , I did sometimes , but I thrive on detail and remember everything ! Small details about things you wouldn't think you could remember. But when you start to think , it all comes back ! Then I can't build fast enough to actually see it ! Time flies when I'm on Trainz , really does . Best program ever written ! So user friendly - that helps a lot ! I still don't know every trick but I've learned a few in my time with Trainz. One thing is - you know if you add a bridge to your track , chances are it has different track on it and it stands out ( I don't like that ) it changes if you add a station to the track you're using but not with bridges ! Mine doesn't . I lay my track , drop the ground where the bridge will be and position my chosen bridge in line with the track , not connected to it , and just lower it a fraction till the bridge tracks drop below my original track ! Done , in place with the same track on it ! Ha , you WILL go there !
The area you are modelling is one that I was talking about yesterday on here and I would like to see if it's possible to link up routes with steviez . Thanks for your response .
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For those that think trackwork doesn't matter - it's what trains need ! Take a look at the pic . . . .

Fairly simple - add spline point at the toe end and straighten that little piece ! Nuff said .
Piccadilly & Peak District Screenshots 1

Just a few pix to show how the route is shaping up - Manchester & Peak District .

Woodley Station - Dmu's 1


Woodley Station - Evening


Woodley Station - DMU's 2


Stockport Viaducts 1


Stockport Viaducts 2


Castlefield Junction Manchester


Piccadilly 2


Guide Bridge

Hope these are acceptable to those " in the know !"

Hey Steve, you're doing a great job with the route. I can't wait to see it when it's completed. I rode on part of it when I visited England about 20 years ago.

I too am a nit picker when it comes to proper track laying, and have gone through great lengths to smooth out my turnouts, made sure that the track and roads weren't floating (I hate floating objects), and even went back and redid whole sections that I thought were acceptable in the beginning, but needed a revise later on. The extra time taken in the beginning makes for a much more enjoyable and realistic ride later on.

I can see you now know how to post screen shots. ;)

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Just read this. The pictures are fantastic. I am building a route from Derby to Manchester via the Peak Forest... though I am not sure mine comes up to the same standard as yours!