
No, sorry. Try searching for the word lumber in the title and then separately in the description, that might throw up something.

Use of any of these can make any scenery asset accept lumber:
PL Lumberyard,<kuid2:30671:27377:2>
PL WoodProducts,<kuid2:30671:27384:1>
LARS IndustRail,<kuid2:69871:10001:3>
ProtoLARS IndustRail,<kuid2:69871:10002:3>

I remember some factory that accepts lumber and puts out General Goods, was part on the Wingersheek & Western.
The built-in Pulp Mill accepts wood chips and produces general goods, dunno if that was the one you were thinking of. Multi-industries and non-built-in industries could be made to do whatever combination was desired of course.

There's a flowchart in the manual which shows how the built-in industries and products are inter-related. See this section of the Trainz wikibook for details of where it is and a list of corrections to its minor errors.

No, this one is one DLS somewhere.
Found it.
Factory_8_GenGoods KUID:1942:27019

And a snow version.
Factory_8_GenGoods_Snow KUID:1942:27029

Here's some others I found searching DLS for "lumber" in description.
Lumber Warehouse KUID2:35815:26206:2
BI Lumber Unload Dock KUID2:128094:27003:1
Gunnellinda Mine KUID2:77573:241441:1
Invisi-mill small KUID:96914:31000
ikea_industry2 KUID2:189041:221:2