Lost My Layout???


New member
:confused: I just went to Surveyor and Driver and tried to open the layout that I have been working on for several weeks.

I received the same ERROR in both Surveyor and Driver.


Have I lost my work?

I also restored last night's backup data and still got the same error.

Can someone guide me?? What have I done? Where should I find the file?

HELP! HELP!! HELP!!! Please :mad:
Alan, if I did it was unintentional. I don't think I did.

Fortunately I back up my data every day. I was able to recover the layout from 2 days ago. Thank god for a working backup program and having taken the time to set it up.

I'd still like to find out what happened. If it was operator error I need to retrain him (me).

That is the only way i have been able to re-produce this error or make this error message appear.

Can you send me the corrupted layout? (Not the backup thats working)
Hi Alan,
1. I don't know where to look for created files.
2. It was probably overwritten by my recovery program.

Thanks for your interest.
All I can do is sympathise.I had been working on my route for 9 MONTHS when I followed some advice given on this forum.Whether that was the reason I don"t know, but it disappeared and a few weeks later it returned but with - all textures deleted (back to grey) - all but 3 basebords flattened and returned to zero height (so all solid objects were pushed up to zero) - all Water deleted.Six months later I"m still working on restoring it to its former glory.:eek:
Lost session files

Hi Alan,
1. I don't know where to look for created files.
2. It was probably overwritten by my recovery program.

Thanks for your interest.
I find my session in "world/custom" files, but I lost all my sessions in TRS04 and I do not know how to get them back there! Look in your files and if you figure out how to re-load them, let me know! I lose four years of work!:eek:
Lost session

Alan, if I did it was unintentional. I don't think I did.

Fortunately,Thank god for a working backup program and having taken the time to set it up.

How you back it up? I save to CD about a year ago, but many things were added since then and I am afraid that is I reinstall the old, I will over write then new, where ever it is:mad:
Back-up Files

To American Connection in Romania,

You posted: How you back it up? I save to CD about a year ago, but many things were added since then and I am afraid that is I reinstall the old, I will over write then new, where ever it is:mad:

I run a backup of all my data every night. I have learned the hard way what it costs to crash and lose your data. I use Genie Backup Manager which can be scheduled to run on it's own. I'm sure there are many others having the same capability. Check CNet.com and see how they are rating programs. I also invested in a 165GB external hard drive where I keep all my backup files so my CD & DVD Drives are always free.


To American Connection in Romania,
I run a backup of all my data every night...

So you back-up the complete content of your PC? I would like to find a way to seperate Auran, or even more, each layout to back-up individually. Sometimes I think to remove all the other layouts and tutorials just to clean up the program storage, but seems are TRS04 comes only as a pachet. Would be nice to be able to save program and one layout on CD to travel with.
Loading files

Well, I did what the Help Desk suggested to re-install the program. Now I do not have the saved session even! Absolutely NO HELP! I have files that contain the layout, can anyone tell me how to load them to show in TRS2004? And another reply from the desk was that the build was wrong, where do I put the build in script?

kind "activity"
username "Blue Mountain RR"
asset-filename "Blue Mountain RR"
scriptlibrary "BlueMountainRR"
scriptclass "MyBlueMountainRR"
kuid <kuid:213782:100042>
kuid-table {
blue_mountain_rr <kuid:213782:100038>
description "Blue Mountain RR
category-class "YS"
category-region-0 "TO"
category-era-0 "2000"
Lost maps

:confused: I just went to Surveyor and Driver and tried to open the layout that I have been working on for several weeks.

I received the same ERROR in both Surveyor and Driver.


Have I lost my work?

I also restored last night's backup data and still got the same error.

Can someone guide me?? What have I done? Where should I find the file?

HELP! HELP!! HELP!!! Please :mad:
I went throught files by list of items I could not load and deleted them, then in session I deleted missing assets in my new senario, I am not sure what happened, but I go back the maps of the senarios I had lost, but without drivers or thier scheduals. Try this action.
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Blocked Tunnels

I got my old maps back finally, but now, even in the senarios that came with the program, all tunnels are blocked and I cannot correct it. I know this is alittle of the subject, but they took away my thread for "tips to your problems", so I have nowhere else to ask! can anyone help me?:confused:
I had this happen once, wiped out a subway layout I had been working on for a week! The files where there though and nothing changed!
What is this message that you didn,t select any map? What am I missing then? I have a few routes and I have all the depencies but I still have those messages "No Map Selected"...confused...
Missing Links

is there a link between this and SP1 usage?


This thread "Tips & Tricks-Questions" is to post you questions about problems in all trainz versions and the DLS, so that people do not get upset when they are posted elsewhere. So if you clarify what "this" is, you may find someone that can give you your answer!;)
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:confused: I just went to Surveyor and Driver and tried to open the layout that I have been working on for several weeks.

I received the same ERROR in both Surveyor and Driver.


Have I lost my work?

I also restored last night's backup data and still got the same error.

Can someone guide me?? What have I done? Where should I find the file?

HELP! HELP!! HELP!!! Please :mad:

I had the same problem and I got everething back in following the good advice from Lance in this thread HERE

where it explains how to back up your custom content using window explorer and get it back again.
This means you can get everything back if you did not delete the folder named "local" in the folder named "TRS2006" before uninstalling TRS2006.