Lost in Hiwassee Terminal


New member
Downloaded and installed the Hiwassee Terminal this afternoon and
received the following <unknown asset> messages:

Hiwassee Terminal GP38-2 kuid2:45324:90004:1
Hiwassee Terminal GP50 kuid2:45324:90005:1
Hiwassee Terminal GP50 kuid2:45324:53006:1
Hiwassee Terminal Leased GP38-2 kuid2:45324:90006:1
Hiwassee Terminal SD45-2 kuid2:45324:90004:1
Hiwassee Terminal Caboose kuid2:45324:25503:2

Any information as to where these assets may be located is appreciated.

Respectfully Submitted:

Installation target is T:ANE build 84204
Platform on which T:ANE is executed:
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770 CPU @3.40GHz
Installed Memory (RAM): 12.0 GB
System Type: 64-bit Operation System, x64-based processor
Looking for 2:45324:53008:1 Says zero results found. Where's it at?

You should be able to download this from the Jointed Rail website.

The actual asset is this:

<kuid2:45324:53008:1> EMD 16-567C roots diesel engine sounds

Check in the Locomotive Dependencies link.
There is no route (yet). Some more details to button up, but the route will come out with the second content pack. Expect that before Christmas!

There is no route (yet). Some more details to button up, but the route will come out with the second content pack. Expect that before Christmas!


That will be awesome! I was going to ask about this myself.

The content so far is well done.
