Lost Drivers


New member
I am still having troubles with Driver Setup. I am running TANE SP1 build 80349. I was having trouble getting my Schedule Library commands for drivers not showing up for the Driver in Quick Drive. I have 17 Drivers setup but now only 13 of them show up in the Driver icons on the left side of the screen in Driver Mode. I am running these in AI only. When I go into Driver Mode I get the little red bug showing up and there are some things showing up that I don't know anything about. Something about Driver Setup Rule and Driver Commands. At the end it shows Timeout or something that I don't understand. I guess I am a novice with all the messages I see so I don't know how to get rid of the errors....Any help will be appreciated.....:confused:
There are some script timeout errors which N3V still needs to work on. Hopefully these will be resolved soon as these affect the Quick Drive, Portals, and other functions. They all seem to be related to the same libraries from what I can tell - something about the consisthelperinfo.gs script and a couple of others connected to it.
There are some script timeout errors which N3V still needs to work on. Hopefully these will be resolved soon as these affect the Quick Drive, Portals, and other functions. They all seem to be related to the same libraries from what I can tell - something about the consisthelperinfo.gs script and a couple of others connected to it.

OK, I suppose will have to wait for another update.....It is hard to get a route going it seems like. Thanks....