Looking for whomever is #45324

I am trying to repair several assets that list a missing bogey: <kuid2:45324:50203:5>

When using KuidSearch, I cannot locate ANYTHING by author 45324. Any help would be appreciated.
Because they're not on the DLS. Anything not on the DLS is shown as unknown in CMP.

I was referring to KUID Search website. When I entered 45324 in the Author ID box, NOTHING returns. I have found lots of other JR kuids on this site. I am still missing <kuid2:45324:50203:5> which is an "unknown asset" in TANE CM that is a dependency of <kuid:348207:100941> which is S-2 Truck 100 ton...

I have gone onto JR website and downloaded EVERYTHING associated with truck dependencies, and still have the same error for the "unknown asset".

I am about to give up on it.
I was referring to KUID Search website. When I entered 45324 in the Author ID box, NOTHING returns. I have found lots of other JR kuids on this site. I am still missing <kuid2:45324:50203:5> which is an "unknown asset" in TANE CM that is a dependency of <kuid:348207:100941> which is S-2 Truck 100 ton...

I have gone onto JR website and downloaded EVERYTHING associated with truck dependencies, and still have the same error for the "unknown asset".

I am about to give up on it.
Is it for payware? KUID search isn't going to show it for payware.
Problem solved: I went into the cofig of another tank car and looked at what bogey was used. Turns out all I had to do was change the last digit from .5> to .4> in the kuid and it is fine now.

Thanks for the help.
When searching at TKI don't add the version number. Without a version number all versions, known to the database, are displayed.

Keep in mind too you need to login to the JR website in order to download even when linked from an external source such as TKI.

On TKI <kuid2:45324:50203:5> shows 16 links all at JR

When I typed in 45324 into the first box on the left, I got NO results. I have not tried today, but yesterday I could not get ANYTHING to come up.

Just tried it again...a ton of stuff came up...I swear it would not work yesterday...seriously...I'm not kidding...for real...
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