Looking For Petrol Station And Derrick Crane


Well-known member
Hi all, I am looking for 2 items for my WIP Route.The first should be easy - a Petrol Filling Station of the type common in the early 1970s - nothing fancy, just a few pumps , a roof and and a small shop.I have tried searching the DLS for "Petrol", "Garage" and "Filling" to no avail, so I guess it/they must be listed under some other name.Secondly, I need a large Derrick Crane similar to the usual type with 3 legs and a jib, but of lattice steel construction rather wood.I know such a thing exists because I saw it in a Dockside screenie a long time ago.Again, a search of the DLS has only thrown up the small wooden type of Derrick Crane.Can anyone help? Thanks in advance...:wave:
Thanks Corporal Major - Magandy's station is lovely but too early for my period.However, you are almost certainly right about "Gas Station"! I had completely forgotten thats what they call them "over there"...:o
Hello Alan, would sending a PM to a creator, philskene for instance, to advise of a suitable derrick crane for you as he uses a lot of dock and port assets for his layouts ??? Other than that, try some 3rd party sites, Russian, Czech, Polish, etc.

Cheerz. Steve. :wave:
Here's a couple I've used "flock shell garage" and I think the other one is BP garage. Have picked up a few servos for US and Aussies routes recently. Try search for garage, service station, gas station, even some of the petrol brands like Texaco. There is a good older style UK garage at tafweb.co.uk
Thanks guys I"ll have a look at those garages - the only prob with the sevos is that the shop is arranged at the back of the "servo" and in the prototypical sutuation I am modelling it was at the side with the whole thing on a narrow site.I2m sure the Derrick Crane must be listed in maybe German under its foreign name...:(
Try these ones:
Kuid 60238:27159
Kuid 60238:27160
Kuid 60238:27160

All by 'vulcan'
