looking for kuids

You won't find them, either. KlausM's material was pulled. Try doing a search in the forum on his name, as someone now has permission.
KUID 39730

Hello, this is KlausM in Germany I believe. His assets are chiefly PAYWARE and these 3 items are semaphore signals I think. Joachim Zander and Angel Panton are 2 distinguished German Trainzers with KUID numbers on the DLS, maybe they could help you with an e-mail address for Klaus if needs be. Sorry I cannot help you any further.

Cheers. ex-railwayman in the UK.
He pulled it. As for the reason why, try doing a search on his name. If you can read german, try there also.
From what I have been able to gather KlausM was a longtime Trainzer who before the crash of the old forum stopped using Trainz and migrated over to "the dark side" (MSTS), subsequently he had all his content removed from the DLS and ever since it has not been found elsewhere. However earlier this year FCCA (specifically BPanther) released some excellent German semaphore signals that though they seem identical to KlausM's signals are not at all based on his. He made over 80 different ones including bridge mounted signals, distant signals, shunting signals and others. They can be downloaded here or by typing in BPanther as a username on the DLS, if anyone needs help with setting up and using them just let me know as I can read German very well.

WileeCoyote, can you please explain what a Fahrsperrenanschlag
is please, as I can't seem to find an explanation anywhere for this asset. I'm afraid my limited German only extends to everyday conversation and polite phrases :)


Sorry for the delay in answering your question wileecoyote.
The asset is on the website you provided a link to in your other post. Besides all of the signals, et al, on this page, this appears to be a wooden structure of some description beside a set of tracks, it looks quite small but could be something to do with a set of points at a junction maybe.

Cheers. ex-railwayman.
Dear ex-railwayman,
Fahrsperre is a mechanical device coupled with a signal and was used with the Berlin S-Bahn. Its most upper part can be tilted. If the signal is red it is not tilted and comes into contact with a lever of the railcar which opens the main air-pipe and in such a way stoppes the train. A nice article (in German) with some fotos and drawings can be found here:

Cheers, beamcold
Hello Beamcold, thank you very much for your explanation and link to the description of this asset. I also get to learn a few more words of German at the same time :)

