Looking for EMD G22 loco ...


... I know that there is one available freeware (on a site somewhere), which I already have - though I can't, for the life of me, remember where I got it from. Unfortunatlty, it won't load properly into 2006 because one of the textures is named using a character which 2006 will not accept (2004 didn't complain). Anyway, the bogey attachment points bogeys and the bogey tracking on this particular model are all awry, so I use it reluctantly.

Perhaps someone can remind me of the site so I can go and see if it has been updated/fixed (the model is based on an Argentinian railroad), or point me at a site (possibly payware) where there is an EMD G22 available. Narrow gauge (3f6i or 1000mm preferred), but if not, then the chances are I can swap the bogeys.