Looking for easier 3-D modeling program than Gmax.


New member
Hi all,

Does anybody here have any good suggestions for a modeling program? I know Gmax is one, but is there any similiar programs that are easier to use, more initutive, and can import / export .3ds type of files? I'm trying to update a few trolleys (the MBTA LRV's) with the permission of their creator.

Some stuff I want to update is to make transparent windows, automatic running numbers (34xx, 36xx, 38xx, etc.) and interior views. Comestic upgrades as well.

Any program suggestions?
Only Gmax is well supported. I use 3D Canvas Pro, ($70), and have had my troubles getting support for Trainz. (I decided to go with 3DC because I'll be moving on to MSTS2 when it comes out and that's what they're using.)

Gmax is your best bet for Trainz and I don't believe any one of them is easier then the other. They all have a steep learning curve and all do the same thing a little bit differently then each other.

Gmax and 3D Canvas Pro are the only two 3D apps that can export directly to Trainz, at this time, as far as I know.


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There is also an Exporter for Blender being developed.

Several other programs allow export in .3ds format that GMax will read, making use of GMax limited to conversion. Unfortunately, very few of these are free (none that I can recall off-hand).

Okay, thanks.

I've seen and read a few tutorials, but they cover creating completely new objects from the ground up. I'm importing .3ds stuff to update / modify instead of building new objects. Any tutorials on that?

Also, I was wondering if there were any tutorials on building spline objects like tunnels, bridges, and stations in Gmax?
If you are importing other peoples .3ds meshes, then be very mindful of their licence conditions. If in doubt ask the original creator if they mind their creations being used in Trainz.

If you are importing other peoples .3ds meshes, then be very mindful of their licence conditions. If in doubt ask the original creator if they mind their creations being used in Trainz.


I have permission from the creator of the MBTA trolleys to update his content. Any tutorials on working with imported .3ds meshes?

Also, I'm looking to build a few longer tram stations, with benches, shelters, fences, etc. People use Gmax to build stations, right? I could use a tutorial for that.

Ditto for creating a subway tunnel spline. So far, I haven't been able to find a good subway tunnel that matches or closely match the ones inside Boston in this video:


Note: You need Quicktime to view this video clip.
I have permission from the creator of the MBTA trolleys to update his content. Any tutorials on working with imported .3ds meshes?
I don't understand what is different about working with an imported *.3ds mesh and one that you created yourself. A mesh is a mesh. BTW Blender will import and export *.3DS and is free - however, if you think GMax is hard wait until you try Blender. Actually Blender is not hard it's just very, very different to normal Windows applications.

Actually Blender is not hard it's just very, very different to normal Windows applications.

Actually it is very, very different from just about every other 3D modeling program in existance. As a result, the unlearning curve is considerable. In my book, free doesn't overcome the obtuse, counter-intuitive interface.
The first thing to do is just to learn Gmax so you become comfortable (less uncomfortable?:D ) with how it works. Two site I recommend are Paul Hobbs' tutorials http://www.44090digitalmodels.co.uk/ and Gary's Train Pages. http://www.worldoftrainz-downloads.com/~garyp/gmaxtutorials.htm
This site http://www.passion3d.com/products.html has dome good tutorials, including one specifically on making a station, but I don't think it tells how to make it functioning. There's a tutorial just for that, but I don't remember where.

:cool: Claude