Looking for Berhskire Interior


RR Mod Maker
I am trying to get some of B. Neal's great engines to work but I need a KUID for Berkshire Interior that is not in the library and not on the KUID search site either..

does anyone have this?



yes it is an odd number but is called for by two engines i am trying to get to work in TANE ...so will try to find it ...but the library isnt revealing anything yet. If it is payware i will happily buy whatever it is that contains it but was not sure.

just still looking at this point.

checked again the list of faulty was :

kuid:523:1972158 Berkshire Interior
Got it! you should have it in TANE as it's the interior for the C&O Kanawha and the NKP - S2

As proof as it doesn't seem to want to come up on a search
kuid                                    <kuid2:276266:100001:1>
username                                "C&O Kanawha K-4 Steam"
category-class                          "AS"
category-region                         "US"
category-era                            "1940s;1950s;1960s;1970s;1980s;1990s;2000s;2010s"
kind                                    "traincar"
engine                                  1
enginespec                              <kuid:276266:100041>
mass                                    190962
enginesound                             <kuid:123250:100141>
hornsound                               <kuid2:276266:100313:1>
interior                                <kuid:523:19721258> **********
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good chance its part of a pay wear pack - the kuids for the areotrain are all in the 523:1972xxx series
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Thanks Clam i will see if i can find it in TANE...not sure where it is but as said, will be happy to get a pack if i can find it.
I've just done a search on my version - it is present there and looks to be associated with both C&O Hinton as well as Kickstarter County (one of the reward packs).

Ok thank you ktain.ny... i do know the Nickelroad and have made some stock for it for other sims. thanks for the reccomedation.