Looking for Amtrak P40 Set


Magicland created a couple beautiful locos (#800 & 802)... but I can't find the dependencies anywhere.

Anybody have them?
By the way... I have contacted magicland by email, and was told DLS was the only source he knew of.

Maybe someone has this set on local content?
What version of Trainz is this for?

What does it list as the missing dependencies?

I list 5 dependencies, two built in (2006) and three from Digital Roundhouse (gumbytrain) they also are dependencies for Amtrak 73 P42a ... don't know where I got them though.
52779:54000 AC44 hornsound
52779:50002 AC4400 CW(eng file)
52779:52024 P42_Blue_Grey (bogeys)
emd - builtin
DB_18-_interior - builtin
5-Stars to PerRock!

Yes, yes, yes... This is EXACTLY what I've been looking for. Nice site by the way... Looking forward to visiting the new version. Any estimate when that will be ready?

Yea, um i have been having issues with that site. with the site, can you just put the .cdp s into a download link:'( . Great content though:D
5-Stars to PerRock!

Yes, yes, yes... This is EXACTLY what I've been looking for. Nice site by the way... Looking forward to visiting the new version. Any estimate when that will be ready?


On the site or the P42?

The site: closer than you think ;)

P42s: no clue. not my creation.

Yeah, I'm just seeing trainz:// links, which opens up the CMS to download from there. I really want the Phase III F40P but it's missing two dependencies.

Unknown Location: <kuid:58843:53008>
Unknown Location: <kuid:58843:53011>

This seems to be a common problem. I'd say over half the content I download doesn't work. Some of them I can easily fix by just removing lines from the config.txt file. Most are either missing dependencies or have an error in config.txt that I lack the knowledge to correct. And almost every site I've been to that supposedly has content to download just links to the CMS to download it from there.

There's a whole slew of old NYC engines I'd love to get, but they're not in the station or they are missing files.

How do these things even vanish? Does Auran just not back anything up?
Ok, I needed the P40 dependencies (which I got) but the bogey seems to be missing a shadow mesh. Here is what I get from the error log:

Error: Unable to load mesh file: 'p42_blue_grey_shadow\p42_blue_grey_shadow.pm'

I looked in the asset's folder and there isn't even a shadow mesh there :eek:

Any assistance would be great!

use PEV's shadow maker, to generate a shadow, change the IM file name to that, put it & the texture files for it (should be "black.texture.txt" & "black.tga") into the neede folder. should work.

I don't see the black.texture.txt or black.tga...must I create them? The shadow creation worked however, thanks mate :D

Oh, and it is looking for a progressive mesh not an indexed mesh, not sure if it will make a difference though.

EDIT: Turns out I don't need textures (says the tutorial for QuickShadow)

So I am unclear on a few things:

Does it need to be a progressive mesh? The error says it can't find a .pm not a .im
Where to place it? In the asset's root folder or a subdirectory of the asset?

Any help would be great!
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No need to create a shadow mesh. That error is CM being a little idiotic. That asset has a "trainz-build" value of 1.3, which uses the "asset-filename" tag to name the mesh, and so CM expects the asset to have a shadow mesh.

Add the following mesh-table to the config.txt file:

    mesh                                "P42_Blue_Grey.pm"
    auto-create                         1

and CM will now show a warning about there being no shadow mesh, instead of an error. A warning can be ignored, so the asset should work now.

See what I mean about CM being a little idiotic? The asset with a vintage "trainz-build" value (1.3) is expected to have a shadow mesh, but as soon as you add a mesh table (which is appropriate for a "trainz-build" value of 2.0 and later, I believe), then CM gets a clue and only shows a warning, not an error. Saying something about there being no shadow mesh in an asset for a vintage version of Trainz is okay, but why not make it a warning instead of an error?

Adding that mesh table to the "P42_Blue_Grey" bogey worked for me.

