Loco's CD


New member
I have recieved some suggestions for a loco's CD in the same vain as the routes CD's.

Any thoughts?
Any suggestion's on DLS Loco's you would like to see on it?
Rolling stock also will be included. :)
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Yes, BR78 021 by p-dehnert, this is absolutely one of the best freeware locos anywhere. Its detail is on par with the best payware around, and it is probably the finest attempt so far at a German.

"Any suggestion's on DLS Loco's you would like to see on it?"

Brokensleeper, this would mean they are looking for freeware locos on the download station that people would recommend and not the payware locos on those sites you have linked.
A few names...

I think the work of any of these builders would be great.


The CD would be a nice add-on to TC 3.

I have recieved some suggestions for a loco's CD in the same vain as the routes CD's.

Any thoughts?
Any suggestion's on DLS Loco's you would like to see on it?

I'd go as far as to suggest locos and rolling stock for a particular region. ie UK region, US region, europe etc.

The other suggestion might be a theme, ie steam locos, diesel locos but I think region would be better.

Tha target market I assume is people who have problems down loading so giving them some rolling stock as well would make sense.

Cheerio John
Great Idea !!!!

As John suggests, a variety of locomotives and rolling stock, sorted by region (country, etc) would be fantastic for those of us who do not download from DLS or who do not have easy access to DLS for whatever reason.

Hello Alan, I would like to throw a few more obvious names into the hat i.e. Pikkabird, SPORBUST, CincySouthernRailway, LielestoSbrat, majekear, et al, etc, and as long as they have Wulf_9's engines in them then so much the better...:hehe:
Would agree with prior comments especially John Whelan's that a mixture of diesel, steam, maybe electric locomotives and a variety of rolling stock for each continent would also be a huge bonus.
Would you consider narrow guage and broad guage a separate project, to keep those Trainz fans and potential new customers interested as well. Just a few more ideas....
I apologise in advance if I have missed any familiar creator's names, as I have answered this thread in a hurry......:o

Cheerz. ex-railwayman.
Alan --

Looks like very few people are willing to step up to the plate with specific suggestions for individual locomotives.

A few that I'd recommend are:

81997:599, NSW 59-class
81997:450, SAR Garratt
126323:453, SAR T-class
81997:727, VR R-class
81997:302, VR S-class
101839:1033, BR 9F
2512:2371, BR Class 37
193148:1329, BR 4MT
95761:1001, Clinch SD40
152373:9000, FR8Net Dash9
315087:1074, The General
193148:1399, MR Hudson
46075:6930, UP 0-6-0
40334:90020, UP C36-7
113556:51055, UP Dash8
113556:1000017 UP GP60

I just hope that I don't offend anybody with a list like this. There are literally scores of excellent and deserving locomotives on the Download Station, it's just that I find those listed above very useful for my particular operations.

Sounds terrific. And a further suggestion, if I may: How's about a CD with some Objects and Tracks that are on the DLS but denied to us poor old sods who only have dial-up? Cheers. Old Barney
Sounds terrific. And a further suggestion, if I may: How's about a CD with some Objects and Tracks that are on the DLS but denied to us poor old sods who only have dial-up? Cheers. Old Barney
I agree,like how about strictly dmdrake stuff on 1 CD or DVD or whatever?
I have recieved some suggestions for a loco's CD in the same vain as the routes CD's.

Any thoughts?
Any suggestion's on DLS Loco's you would like to see on it?
Rolling stock also will be included. :)

It sounds like a really nice idea, but is it a good business decision?

It would seem to me that the current content of every simulator package provides enough locos and rolling stock to involve the user, but also makes access to DLS the next immediate goal! This means that anybody who "gains access" to a pre-registered simulator, will have to consider purchasing a sim package in order to gain access to all those wonderful additions.

Given the same scenario but with CD/DVD availability of routes, locos (and if regional - why not appropriate rolling stock), it would appear that a pretty comprehensive simulator package could be "acquired" at no cost with distinctly less reason to go out and purchase a sim package.

I guess, from a business perspective, the choice comes between selling additional content CD/DVDs at the risk of increasing pirated copies.

Having said all that ........... I think it is a great idea for us legitimate users!

Brilliant Idea!

Just had a thought (I have been told that it is a bad habit)....... why not take the proposed CD/DVD content and put it on DLS as a package? While I recognize that a CD/DVD does avoid DLS problems, my personal experience is that DLS in general works fine. The only "blip" is when it goes down for whatever reason, and then it is usually back up within 24hrs.

Just imagine when I receive my copy of TC3, I could go into DLS and download a whole wack of 1960's locos and rolling stock ........ what a luxury!

