Locating the Junction That's "Missing A Lever"


New member
Hi! I've been running the NS Fostoria District and the Lake Division District. I merged them in the appropriate places, so I have a longer run. I changed the track textures, but some I had to change manually since they were double track. In the process I had to "re-switch" certain areas, and I probably forgot to add a switchstand or switchmotor since I don't use the default lever. Now, the AI trains (some of them) will not run because a junction is missing a lever. The Fostoria has literally HUNDREDS of switches. I'd rather not go through them manually. Is there a way to locate the offending switch?

Are you using '04 or '06 or even TC?
What track are you using?
And where does Fostoria Disrict join to Lakes? Chris' map is gone so I have nothing to go by.
Hi! I've been running the NS Fostoria District and the Lake Division District. I merged them in the appropriate places, so I have a longer run. I changed the track textures, but some I had to change manually since they were double track. In the process I had to "re-switch" certain areas, and I probably forgot to add a switchstand or switchmotor since I don't use the default lever. Now, the AI trains (some of them) will not run because a junction is missing a lever. The Fostoria has literally HUNDREDS of switches. I'd rather not go through them manually. Is there a way to locate the offending switch?

Hi each junction switch has its own number which can be can be seen in either Surveyor (Mini map) or Driver use the M =map button.
If you have locos stopped you can press M and see what junction switch and number it is near then go into surveyor and find it.
If a lever is missing it wont show in mini map because its not there. The only way is to drive the train that says a lever is missing and check the junctions on the path that was selected. It will either derail at the junction or the AI will take control once it passes the junction.
It doesn't need to be located on the train's path. It could be anywhere, some spur that no train will touch, and it still won't allow the train to continue. So there is no way to locate it? I just have to search around?
Just curious as to which version you have. 2004 or 2006 ?

If it is 2006 then there is software being developed that will tell you exactly where a switch lever is missing. It makes life easier, only problem it will be a while yet before it gets out to the public.
If it is '04 and I knew where Fostoria connected, there is an easier way than Surveyor to convert items. As for double track, you could do one of these three to make replacement easier:
- ask the creator of track you use to make a double version.
- ask the creator of track you use if you can make a double version.
- make a double version, just never upload anywhere.
StorkNest, load up Fostoria. (I have 06) Now, go to the end near Bellevue (?) and look for a switch called "Sandusky Turn Off." I believe that's the track to the Lake. I added a few boards to make the connection. It might be right on the other side of Bellevue. (This track is just within Bellevue and diverges off. If you continue through Bellvue, the end of the route is just on the other side of the yard. The Lake may connect there, I'm not too sure. I just went with my gut.
You can set the AI to drive to various Trackmarks.If the train moves,try the next Trackmark and so on until it won"t move, then you know the missing lever is beyond that trackmark.Sometimes when you join track you can make a "bad junction" which has a few inches of track without a lever.Its simply a matter of ripping up the track and relaying it.
It doesn't need to be located on the train's path. It could be anywhere, some spur that no train will touch, and it still won't allow the train to continue. So there is no way to locate it? I just have to search around?
The missing lever message only shows if an AI train has to pass that junction lever. The train does not look at all the other track only the path that is set by driver commands. As long as the destination is before the missing lever the train will run ok. If the destination is past the lever it wont move.
Missing lever search.

You could try openning the map in Diver and follow the blue lines to where you want the train too go. Just look for the point where two blue line meet and no lever is indicated. This would be faster than following the tracks in survayor.

There seems to be a problem with the merge routes feature. I recently merged several segments of a route that I am making and all my industries became deatched from the tracks. It took me a while to reconnect them all. What made it harder was that it was only one side that became detached
There seems to be a problem with the merge routes feature. I recently merged several segments of a route that I am making and all my industries became deatched from the tracks. It took me a while to reconnect them all. What made it harder was that it was only one side that became detached

That's actually normal. I forget which is the part where industrues become detached, the route you load first or the one you merge onto it.