Loading uploaded content in Vista (TRS 2004)


New member
I have just changed computers and have moved all my downloaded KUIDs for TRS 2004 and tried to load them, but none have worked. They load into the default C:\Program Files\Auran\TRS2004 but do not show up in Railyard. I have found a second area containing Trainz 2004 files at C:\Users\Oliver\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\Auran\TRS2004 (Oliver being my son's user name, Trs 2004 being loaded into his profile). Should downloaded content be dragged or copied or otherwise loaded into this folder?
All of your downloaded folders go in ..\Auran\TRS2004\World\dispatcher\downloads.


not in vista they dont, they might if you installed as administrator (which I didnt).
have you downloaded anything since you changed comps?
I suggest do do and see where download helper puts it.

on my new comp it put the download in the same place you describe:C:\Users\NAME\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\Auran\TRS2004.

paintshed put its creation there as well, confused the hell out of the first time.
after I realized this and moved my content trainz works perfectly. I just have to remember to move stuff manually when I d/l via FTP or a zip file.

and delete the despatcher chump file as well. download helper does that automatically.

hope this helps