lner's Aviation pics

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Playing TS2016.....
due to the popularity of the Vulcan pictures I decided to try this thread where more of my aircraft pics can be displayed, I belive the thread to be sustainable due to the fact I am a member of the comunity, I still post trainz related posts, this is just another way of interacting with the comunity.

Please feel free to post comments about the pictures or intreasting stories for any of the aircraft seen and please don't stay quiet if i have given a incorrect fact

If Swastikas on the tail of German Second World War Aircraft offend you please let me know by personal message and if more than four are recived I shall endevour to edit the Swastika off the aircaft's tail, its historically accurate but I am not here to offend people

My first pictures come from the Old Warden (more commonly known as Shuttleworth) Spring Airshow 2008
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We start with a ex Spanish Airforce Messerschmitt BF109 the fuselarge of this aircraft was built in Germany making it an authentic 109, the spanish ones were based around the 109G/F varients and powered by a Rolls Royce Merlin engine


Next back to World War One and the Royal Naval Air Service firstly with this Sopwith Pup


and then with a Sopwith Triplane which is basically a pup with three wings nicknamed the Tripehound by aircrew it is often overshadowed by the more infamous Fokker DR1 Triplane which was built by the Germans inpsired by the Tripehound


Now we come to the Royal Flying Corps, the Royal Air Force wasn't formed until 1918, this lovley Bristol Fighter is powered by the first of the Rolls Royce V12 which became the famouse Merlin and Griffon engines.


Next brand new from overhaul this Royal Aircraft Factory SE5.a socut seconds after take off


This is a Miles Magister trainer flying in Shuttleworths barnstorming Flying Circus with another Magister a De Haviland Tiger Moth and a De Haviland Chipmunk


The Tiger Moth taxies back to its parking posistion after landing


Civil inter war aviation with the Desouter, it was one of these which became the first air ambulance


Now this was built for a competition to build an aircraft for the everyday man in the street I belive it is called a ANAC or ANZAC and has a top speed of 35mph!


This large De Haviland 51 called Miss Kenya was the first aircraft to be registered in Kenya

This Waco built bi plane is very typical of American iter war private aviation


A plane which needs no real introduction the Battle of Britain Mermorial Flight's Spitfire MkIIa this is a genuine Battle of Britain suvivor


This is another trainer from the RAF the Hawker Tomtit


Followed by the Avro Tutor


German Tiger Moth equivelant the Bucker Jungman


The Gloster Gladiator takes to the skies, the last of the RAF Bi Plane fighters


A trio of German trainers Glodfinch, Jungman, Jungmeister


A Curtiss P40 Kittyhawk


The Gladiator lands displaing its four flaps


The last of the RAF Bi Plane bombers the Hawker Hind, dontated to the collection by the Afgan Air Force

Two shots of the Westland Lysander (a personall favorite)



Edwardian Aviation now (cue the theme to Those Magnificant Men)

The Bristol Boxkite replica


The Blackburn Monoplane 1912 origanal gets airborne


The Depudessen during its hop along the runway this example was built in 1911


Here it is heading for a parking space


Finally a close up of the worlds last Hawker Sea Hurricane and it does fly :)

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Awesome pics!
And that is not a swastika persay...
We all know what a swastika looks like,and thats not it unless your talking about the one in the picture with the 3 planes,but they aren't WWII I don;t think:) So I don't see why it should offend anyone,and since it is historiclly accurate...
Ooopps nevermind I'm blind LOL
anyways it should be fine since it historical in my books
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Poor Midland's drooling uncontrollably! :udrool::udrool::udrool:

Love the SE5a. And the Bristol fighter; the wings weren't built into the fuselage and looked quite distinct.

I had Airfix kits of all of 'em. Cost me 1/- 6d each in a plastic bag packet (that tells ya how long ago eh?)

I liked the Lysander too. Odd shaped wings and very cool looking wheel spats.

More, more! Keep going. I'll keep ya secret so the mods don't find out about this thread! :hehe:

Cheers (from a long lost childhood)

While we are able to view these great planes, I must say I love seeing them.

They are great, congratulations.

Hopefully the mods allow us to view more of them.


Now the big question is.....

Who is going to make some?.


(tremble-tremble, wobble-wiggle, vibrate-vibrate, slobber-drool-quiver-shake)


(I am trying very extremely total-concentration....hard....
to contain myself.......oooooohhhhh deeeaaarrrrr,,

I i i iii 'mmmmm slip-sllll-slipping into a morass of lost self controllllll!)

:'(:mop: (Mop faster!!!)
thankyou for your kind words, a few pictures from my 18th Birthday present last year a taxy ride in Avro Lancaster NX611 known to her friends as 'Just Jane' I was in the rear gunners turret or tail end charlie as it was known, and I had more legroom then in economy class on a 747 :eek: lol sorry about some fuzzyness but my camera seems to hate really poor light

The rear of the Lanc


The front from the Mid upper gunners posistion


the wireless operators posistion


The rear of the aircraft from the navigation bubble


The port merlins


I think this is for the H2S radar


the starboard merlins


some of the engine instruments


the pilots instrument panel

the view from the front Turret (not much room there)


finally the bomb aimers glass......"left, left.....right...steady..steady..bombs gone skipper!"

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