Lilb boxcar textures failing?


I've had this issue in tane before, but it just won't go away. It's weird as the default skin of lilb's boxcar's seem to show up everytime I summon one onto a track. As well as not being able to put loads into the cars. Has anyone else had this issue and know how it can be fixed? I know tane still has some other bugs (such as the steam chuffs skipping beats on steam locomotives).

The boxcar on the right is supposed to be a NYC boxcar with no textures on it. The CNR boxcar doesn't have a running number on it. However, the boxcars still have chalk markings on them.
I have the same issue with the 55-Ton Hoppers. This might be an incorrect loading of the asset (Direct import from TS12, rather then fresh install), but am unsure what to do about it, or if re-installing it will fix this.

The hoppers I've toyed with all come up just like that boxcar. All the details all blurred out except for some white scribbles presumably built into the texture but meant to be underneath everything else. Its almost like the layers got inverted or something. /shrug.

Outside of my realm of experience or expertise.

Yes, some of jr's steam/transistion rolling stock seem to have this issue, such as their reefers and 70 ton flatcars. Perhaps lilb can address some of this?
Some of them broke prior to T:ANE -- their skin changing ability broke in TS12 at about the time of SP1 or the last hotfix.

Well, mine all worked to the best of my knowledge right up till I Imported them to TANE. Never had an issue with any in TS12. Not saying others hadn't, but /shrug.

If one was to try reinstalling this in an attempt to fix them, which files should I target? ALL JR Transition Era Rolling Stock? Or just the associated Libraries?
