Lights Out


R701 Rusty
Hi All,
I have been trying to get my trains working under AI to keep their lights on at all times and have been having little success. It is true that the lights on the locomotives show as being on but there is no effect on the scenery etc. I have just found that TRS2006 turns the headlights effect on at 18.23 hrs and off at 5.37hrs and TRS2004 turns on at 18.32hrs and 5.29hrs. Is this just me or are others having the same problem? How can this be changed? I have searched the forums with negative results and hope that someone has solved this problem and would like to share the knowledge.

The headlights are on always on AI locos it's just that that the beam doesn't show in daylight. From a head on view you can see if the lights are on or not. Also some locos have brighter headlights than others. In the config file for loco's engine there is a voltage figure, not sure if increasing this would make the lights brighter, could be worth trying.
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Hello Russell, I saw this rule on the DLS the other day, it's called Headlights ON! and is on kuid 44272:90004, unsure if this will help you in any way..Sorry, I don't usually drive AI, so cannot think of any other remedies.

Cheerz. ex-railwayman. :wave:
Thanks for your replies. I did state that the headlights were on but it is the effect on scenery etc that disappears after the times I mentioned and as I often start sessions at morning or evening times I find I could still use full lighting effects for a bit longer as it is still dark enough. I am using the rule also as this is what makes the lights appear when looking from the front of the loco even in full daylight. Maybe I need to try changing the diurnal cycle? Any clues on this approach?

Thanks again for your interest