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New member
After I've been insulted so many times by certain members(you know who you are). I'm a sensitive person but it takes a LOT to get me wound up. This is it. I'm sorry I have to leave, and its also a shame i never got around to releasing anything. I'm not giving up trainz, but instead only on the community. I thank those who have positivly supported me throughout my one year on the forum and 3 years in general trainz. It pains me to leave and its hard not to stay, but as I've been insulted(not over the forums but by members over AIM and etc.). Its hard as I'm not very social and not very outgoing(its hard to make friends anywhere, here, home/neighborhood, school, etc.). I'll still be at the TCR forums. But not thta often

I'm sorry to hear that Isaac...

I know it sounds cliche, but don't let a few bad apples spoil the bushel. People gain a lot of *internet courage* but I bet in real life, they wouldn't state the things they did. Just ignore them, move on or fight fire with fire because in real life, some people can say mean things and we gotta have some sort of skin (I'm a sensitive person myself, but it's taken me a while to learn that).

There are some good members here in the forum and they are worth listening to. The one's who cause ruckus and friction will get theirs in the end. ;)

Maybe you'll take some time off and come back at a later date? If not, good luck to you!

BTW, I'm in Montreal at the moment and saw the bombardier bi-levels and the f59ph's...beautiful stuff! :D


Gisa ^^
Hi Isaac

We do not condone insults on our forum. I have sent you an email and hope you will reconsider your stance. The vast majority in our community are caring sharing people :)
Some less drastic options to consider.....


Some less drastic option to consider would be to remove your AIM account email etc from your profile and add some offending members to your ignore list.:o

I have a different view of insulting messages that I get from time to time. First, I must be important enough for someone to take the time and energy to write insulting mail. Second, its kind of hard to insult someone like me who thinks the insults are funny.:hehe: It's kind of like the game tennis. Someone serves an insult and you fire one back. Until it gets boring.:sleep: Then you ignore the insult and the insultor goes away.:eek:

I have enjoyed your contributions to the forum and wish you good luck.:wave:
Hmmmmm, I'm surprised nobody has complained about you then and had you banned...

Don't stir up trouble, this place is like a barrel of gunpowder....(you can use your imagination for the rest)
Hi Isaac

We do not condone insults on our forum. I have sent you an email and hope you will reconsider your stance. The vast majority in our community are caring sharing people :)

Ya that kinda was a bit "overexaggerating", I meant someone (and by now everyone probably knows) that I met here and started talking over AIM as it was quicker. I also understand that you aren't responisble for what happens outside the confines of the forum. I MIGHT stay as its so hard to leave because therea are "caring sharing people". Theres just sometimes a rotten apple or 2 in the bunch. I'm still re-considering the release of the F59PHI though... I hear a K5LA horn running through my backyard:P


Some less drastic option to consider would be to remove your AIM account email etc from your profile and add some offending members to your ignore list.:o

I have a different view of insulting messages that I get from time to time. First, I must be important enough for someone to take the time and energy to write insulting mail. Second, its kind of hard to insult someone like me who thinks the insults are funny.:hehe: It's kind of like the game tennis. Someone serves an insult and you fire one back. Until it gets boring.:sleep: Then you ignore the insult and the insultor goes away.:eek:

I have enjoyed your contributions to the forum and wish you good luck.:wave:

Well second as second thoughs, I'll stay. It wasn't really what someone said but was something that hurt my feelings. I mean its hard to expect nothing from people if you helped them or did something to help, and not recieve anything back. As always, life goes on....


P.S. After my re-consideration, I request that this thread be closed. Now I feel bad myself for taking up bandwidth and server space.
Well second as second thoughs, I'll stay. It wasn't really what someone said but was something that hurt my feelings. I mean its hard to expect nothing from people if you helped them or did something to help, and not recieve anything back. As always, life goes on....


P.S. After my re-consideration, I request that this thread be closed. Now I feel bad myself for taking up bandwidth and server space.

Very wise.:cool:
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