L&N and Clinchfield Interchange?


Hi all,

i study some maps of the Louisville&Nashville RR. The Eastern Division of L&N operated a branch from Winchester through Hazard. One Map shows this branch continuing to Elkhorn City (where the Clinchfield operated, i think).

Does anyone know if and where there was an Interchange between L&N and Clinchfield RR.

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I thought somebody else might have jumped in here, but apparently not. I don't claim any great expertise on either prototype, but pretty sure no interchange between L&N and CRR at Elkhorn. The two roads did interchange not too far away at CRR's Miller Yard which the L&N accessed via Interstate RR till about mid 1970's, then later at St Paul which L&N accessed via N&W....

Andy :)
Dermmy is right...

8) The L & N had no direct interchange with the Clinchfield, even though there became corporate connections(Atlantic Coastline, Seaboard Air Line) early on.

The Chesapeake & Ohio, to the north, interchanged at Shelbiana, Kentucky back when the Clinch was known as the Carolina Clinchfield & Ohio Railroad(CC&O).

The Interstate Railroad, and the N&W at St. Paul, Virginia, and Boody, VA.

And the Southern Railway System, at Johnson City, TN.

The East Tennessee & North Carolina, at Knoxville, TN.

The Southern Railway Sys. at Spartanburg, SC.

Also the Seaboard Air Line at Bostic, NC and Spartanburg.

Back in the days before these roads merged, the only major commodity from the Clinchfield was coal, and all these roads in the surrounding area, had more than there share of that. And, some of these roads, were bitter rivals.

It was major coal contracts, meaning long coal trains leaving the area that made it profitable to do interchange with Clinchfields' nasty neighbors!