King george and king edward


New member
Hi , i downloaded King Edward VII / King George V from uk branchsline this evening and i have a problem , only the tenders will show caus ther is a missing kuid for the loco thats not on dls , can anyone help me ? the kuid is
Unknown Location: <kuid2:116296:19992:2>
Hi , i downloaded King Edward VII / King George V from uk branchsline this evening and i have a problem , only the tenders will show caus ther is a missing kuid for the loco thats not on dls , can anyone help me ? the kuid is
Unknown Location: <kuid2:116296:19992:2>

That is the King George V front bogie and it is on DLS. Maybe something else you are missing. All UKBL locos need driver and fireman (not listed in KUID table so Helper can't get it for you) look in the config.sys file and you should find them - they are on DLS.

Dave Bird
Hi Macan
This item is the king george V front bogey and is definitely available from the download Station
Use the basic kuid number 116296:19992 in the search box at the DLS and don’t forget to click on the kuid radio button and that should sort it out
While I’m here a couple of good place to run them would be Turks Castle and Restmorel Castle both set for the period and both with printable maps in the pack for your guidance
Regards Bob V
hello agaion , ye thank you i founf the bogie , but i cant finde the drivers and firemans in the list u told me to look in
OK I checked this and surprise - not visible in surveyor for me also.

I knew it wassn't the old driver/fireman problem - they are <KUID 2:44090:110:2> and <KUID 2:44090:111:2> by the way.

So a quick check with TrainzObjectz and wow the config.txt is incorrect - it has them as kind <unknown> instead of <traincar>.

To fix them you need to edit the config.sys file for these two locos.

For King george only :
username " King George V" change to
username "King George V" to lose that space

For both locos find the line

mesh "king george_V_body/king"

now delete the solitary quotation mark in the following line.

go to the end of the file and find

http:\\' add a quotation mark to give

Save the files and then delete the dispatcher.chump file. If you don't know how to do this just download anything from the DLS using helper and it will do it for you.

Now restart Trainz and voila

Dave Bird
Save the files and then delete the dispatcher.chump file. If you don't know how to do this just download anything from the DLS using helper and it will do it for you.

Now restart Trainz and voila

Dave Bird

Depends on what TRS version he's using...

For 06, it's way different.


Beein Trying to reload them

Started with TC and they crashed it then tried 2006, do load but gettting

error in driver
Thread exception dividebyzero Line 478
Function $void@defaultsteamcabin:uipdate() Line 1

If I can fix this I might be able to get them running in both

Thanks in advance

