Keeping Track Of Cars?


Well-known member
I have a string of cars/consist that I want to rearrange in a yard with a switching engine. My problem is that when I go to Setup I loose visibility on the cars and their names. Then when I create commands I may not remember the name of the 9th car from the Eastern end of the consist. Is there any way to preserve the names of the cars in a consist during the creation of a set of commands? Or, is it back to paper?
I was hoping some clever customer might have taken the actual consist and pictorially presented it with names. I just took the 2nd monitor off the desk. Took up too much work area. However, TANE on a 28" monitor should allow notepad to coexist.
I was hoping some clever customer might have taken the actual consist and pictorially presented it with names. I just took the 2nd monitor off the desk. Took up too much work area. However, TANE on a 28" monitor should allow notepad to coexist.

That would be nice. The problem though is the icons we have are too small and probably be about the size of ants when it comes to displaying consists, and the text would end up smaller.

Running T:ANE windowed then scaling smaller slightly will allow you to keep T:ANE as large as possible then dip down to the task bar to grab notepad. My second monitor is a 23-inch while my main one is a 27-inch display. I keep my browser and Explorer windows on my second monitor most of the time.