keeping industry topped up


New member
Hi all....some of you may recognize my name because it has been a while (bout a year) since I have used my computer as I have had heart trouble to get right.
Anyway what I want to ask please, can someone tell me if there is a scenario which requires the industries to be kept to a certain level for the route to carry on.
All the very best for Xmas

Well most scenario's have a Waybill to let you know
what is needed by the different industries.
I don't know about it enough to know if a specific scenario
will end, if you fail to keep up the goods to them.

The best scenario's i like,
are the one on RBR (Razorback Railway)

Torana. :)
Well most scenario's have a Waybill to let you know
what is needed by the different industries.
I don't know about it enough to know if a specific scenario
will end, if you fail to keep up the goods to them.

The best scenario's i like,
are the one on RBR (Razorback Railway)

Torana. :)

Right. Razorback Duel would probably fill your "Bill".;)

"TFN09 Millworker" is a forthcoming Razorback Railway activity which will involve you in the kind of task you describe. Here's a sneak preview:

You'll be working the shunter at Lewisham Lumber Mill on the Razorback Classic layout.

Main line locos will drop loaded log wagons for you to collect, unload at the mill, then park on a siding ready for another main line loco to pick up.

Likewise you'll need to collect empty woodchip and lumber wagons that other main line locos drop, load them at the mill, and park them for collection by yet other main line locos.

It'll be entirely up to you how you organise your shunting work. All the main line locos will perform their operations automatically and you'll be able to watch them if you're not too busy.

TFN09 is scheduled for release somewhere around April, May or June of 2008 and will run with TRS2004 SP4 or TRS2006 SP1. It's currently planned to be available to Razorback subscribers only.

ps Many thanks on behalf of the RBR crew to those members who posted kind comments about our activities in this thread.
Thankyou for the replies John and Torana I will now have something to download.
Its a brilliant prog but after I have built my railroad or used someone else`s after a while I am looking for something else to do, so I came up with this idea of keeping the industries going with the raw industries or else they shut down and the scenario stops, but I dont know how to do it
and I am sure there are a lot like me, so I wonder if there will be more to come in this mode.
Thanks again
All the best