Just one quick quistion about pictures


Trainz Bum for now

I hope someone can shed some light onto my delmia. I was wondering how to post screen's with out having to get a link (such as Image Shack)?? I've never used anything eles. If someone could explain me the process one must do to show pics rather than to show a link to a pic:confused: :confused:

thanks for the help, happy trainzin'
Mike S
To post Screens you will need a website to host them. You cannot link to Pics on your comp.
To use Pics instead of links depends. Look at the thread called "How to use imageshack."
Look for the part about hotlink to a forum. Use that link. It will show your pic.
They now have a different way to get links

Use the first one.

Be forewarned ONLY in the screenshots area can you use pics up to 1600x1200. Everywhere else they need to be 640x480 max.
Or they get Turn in to links by mods.