Japan develops super efficient street car (ie. tram)


New member
Nifty cool!

So they only need catenary at the stations to top of the battery while loading passengers.
I guess the production model will have a better system for charging the battery, though. A short piece of catenary hanging over the station isn't the sharpest looking accessory.

:cool: Claude
Full story here: http://www.newlaunches.com/archives/tram_runs_on_lithium_battery_and_recharges_in_under_a_minute.php

Powered by the onboard battery, the vehicle runs at a maximum speed of 40 kph for 15 kilometers and is capable of converting 70 percent of its deceleration energy into electricity, which it sends back to the battery.
It is able to recharge fully in under a minute and the recherches claim it is 10% more efficient then current street cars.

So could the Milwaukee Road EP-2. 70 years ago.
So if the extension is short enough, the tram could run out and back with just battery power and recharge when it returns to the old section.
We need some of those cars here in San Diego.

:cool: Claude