I've Done It Before, But I Can't Do it Now!


New member
This little problem with AI controlled trains is driving me up the wall!
I have a loco pulling a passenger consist into a station. The loco then uncouples, using the 'Uncouplez'.

Then a second loco is given the order via a trigger, to drive to a trackmark which is close to the rear (soon to be front) carriage of the consist.
The second loco keeps stopping short of the trackmark and gets a message that it is waiting for clearance.

I have tried removing signals - adding signals - everything I can think of, but I can't solve the problem!

The annoying thing is that I've done this successfully in the past, but I can't do it now, and through my own carelessness, I have lost the layout where I previously achieved it.

If anyone knows what the solution is, I would be very grateful.
I'm using TRS2004.

Ian:'( :'(
Are you trying to couple to the train with the second loco? If so, use Couple At Trackmark <kuid2:57145:81100:1>. If not, try reducing the radius of the trackmark.
I wish I could help you because I have come across a similar problem.

My route has trailing sidings (in proper steam-era fashion), but when I send a train to a track mark in the siding the train always stops half in and half out of the siding. It looks as if the mid-point of the consist is stopping rather than the loco as intended. This has never happened in any other situation. A post in the “hints and tips..” thread suggests placing an invisible signal at the buffer end of the siding but this makes no difference.

One other suggestion is to make sure that any track markers are facing the direction of travel (as if they are direction markers) but this does not help if the manoeuvre involves bi-directional running as yours does.

Have you tried moving the first loco completely away from the carriages so that the second one cannot “see” it? In a terminus station this might involve placing a short length of invisible track to create the illusion of empty track for A1.

Other than that I am as stumped as you.

Sorry I can’t be more helpful.

Thank you for your replies.
nwhitney: I am using 'Couple At Trackmark' already.
I'll try playing about with the radius of the trackmark
I've Done It! I've Done It!

I tried reducing the radius of the trackmark and it worked like a charm!

I knew about altering the radius of a trigger, but I didn't know you could alter the radius of a trackmark.

There's always something new to learn in Trainz!

Thank you once again for your help.

Good job. Another item you can reduce the radius of is turn-out levers. I have most of mine set to 1m so all I have to do is just clear the points.
I wish I could help you because I have come across a similar problem.

My route has trailing sidings (in proper steam-era fashion), but when I send a train to a track mark in the siding the train always stops half in and half out of the siding. It looks as if the mid-point of the consist is stopping rather than the loco as intended. This has never happened in any other situation. A post in the “hints and tips..” thread suggests placing an invisible signal at the buffer end of the siding but this makes no difference.


Hi Chris,
If you are reversing a train into a siding the trackmark should be only about 1 carriage length from the buffer. It is not always the loco that stops at the trackmark, it is usually the first vehicle the way the train is traveling. And yes you probably will need the invisible signal depending on the length of the train compared to the length of the siding.

I may be wrong, but surely the buffers count as a signal?

Hi colinsl,

It depends what buffer you are using, some are signals and some are not.
However if you use an ivisible signal in front of a buffer that is a signal, the ivisible signal will show yellow because there is a signal behind it. So it follows the AI will go almost right to the yellow signal.


Thanks for the tip, I placed a trackmark at the far end of the siding and changed the schedule to drive to this mark first, and it worked a treat.

The nest problem is to make a consist with two locos stop at a trackmark so that the leading one can be uncoupled and driven away.

