It's Not Worth The Headache


Absolute Hack
After being involved in Trainz since the very begining, I have seen a downward spiral of developer support for the comunity that has made Trainz a profitable enterprise for Auran.

I would like to offer those of you the oportunity to make a difference and hopefully get Auran to give us a stable working Trainz package.

If you are at all unhappy with the support or lack there of, please post your info in this thread. Copy and paste the following template and add your info. Once enough people post then Auran may realize they have to do something.

Total amount of potential refund that Auran would have to pay if they are required to do so............ US Dollars = 19.00

Contact #: (Very Optional)
Reason for discontent:
Paying Customers Request:
Amount paid for Trainz:
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Name: Buzz313th
Contact #: Mail me for my number
Reason for discontent: Absolute lack of support from the developers.
Paying Customers Request: I want my money back
Amount paid for Trainz: $19.00
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Sorry, but I can't agree. I've received a lot more than $19 worth of entertainment and enjoyment. There may be some problems, but most of mine have been able to be corrected with the help of the forum and yes, Auran
$19.00 us eh I'm inclined too aggree with Leeferr????
Not Again as lo poly said as well And I have paid a lot more than $19.00 Us over the years? :rolleyes:
Although everyone is permitted to have their own opinion, can you name another game company that offer as much support as Auran? I can name plenty that offer NO support.
QUOTE by sfrr: "same here only thing in NOT ok with is the forum moderation"

What's up with the seemingly endless digs about over moderation? These forums aren't overly moderated. You ought to log on some that are to see over moderation.


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I'd have to agree with AJ. I haven't seen much overmoderation lately. Things go pretty smoothly as long as everyone stays on topic and don't start flaming.
Just my opinion but!
As far as I'm concerned I've got more enjoyment out a this game since I found it than any other game I have had in about the last 4yrs.
I don't know how many other games I've finished in that time & thrown into the "been there done that box" but with trainz theres always something new in the next download.

I still have a few minor problems with 2006 now & again but from what I've got from this game,the creators & the forum I don't think I'd have the right to ask for a refund after all the free content I've downloaded free service packs & fun I had on this forum over the years.

Name: amigacooke
Email: No thanks, already got loads of spam.
Location: UK
Contact #: It's a secret.
Reason for discontent: Not enough moderation on the forums (;)).
Paying Customers Request: Give me everything for free (I'm worth it!).
Amount paid for Trainz: £1740 (I am of course including the price of my lapatop).

Pay up Auran or I shall be forced to keep using Trainz and leave the forum for ever (except for those occasions where I pop in to see if I'm being missed or post saying how I don't post here any more).

What do you mean I'm not taking this seriously? ;)
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LOL this thread is crap if it wasnt for Trainz I would of never got Addicted to lets talk about how our Gmax Addictions have ruined our LIVES!:eek: .........(No WIN No PAY LAYWERS .....LOOOOOOK OUT AURAN ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................Lance your First!)
Sorry, but I can't agree. I've received a lot more than $19 worth of entertainment and enjoyment. There may be some problems, but most of mine have been able to be corrected with the help of the forum and yes, Auran

Me too; best investment I made in a PC Sim/Game for a long time, has given hours of enjoyment: sure it has problems and sure it does't suit everyone; The Mod's can sometimes be a bit picky, but hell thats life !
Heavens above! For goodness sake it is hardly costing the Bank of england or Fort Knox for Trainz! It is although most of us are hooked, as game. What does one expect for the modest sum? I'm Scotsa and meant to be cautious about my money (!) but here we think Aberdeen people are tight! Most problems get aired on the Forum and there is always someone to help. i found that trying to adapt to TRS06 after the simplicity of TRS04. The CMP still challenges me but i don't throw in the towel. I'm doing something I really enjoy building my city of Glasgow's former complete tramway system. Gives me great pleasure, relaxation and keeps the gery cells ticking over. I don't expect an Einstein box for my money. It's a good entertainment for the little cost and i can building a living history that will in turn bring pleasure to others whio like trams/trollies.

What a negative reaction. I could see the point if it was expensive. The sun is bursting out all over Glasgow here and Trainz brings a bit of sunshine into the lives of most of us here so why want it to rain?......
Heavens above! For goodness sake it is hardly costing the Bank of england or Fort Knox for Trainz! It is although most of us are hooked, as game. What does one expect for the modest sum? I'm Scotsa and meant to be cautious about my money (!) but here we think Aberdeen people are tight! Most problems get aired on the Forum and there is always someone to help. i found that trying to adapt to TRS06 after the simplicity of TRS04. The CMP still challenges me but i don't throw in the towel. I'm doing something I really enjoy building my city of Glasgow's former complete tramway system. Gives me great pleasure, relaxation and keeps the gery cells ticking over. I don't expect an Einstein box for my money. It's a good entertainment for the little cost and i can building a living history that will in turn bring pleasure to others whio like trams/trollies.

What a negative reaction. I could see the point if it was expensive. The sun is bursting out all over Glasgow here and Trainz brings a bit of sunshine into the lives of most of us here so why want it to rain?......

Fair enough. You all have a very good point and point well taken. But my concern is if it is worth the money spent, but the attitude the developers have these days and their feelings and actions that result in an unfinished, untested product that is sold on the market for a finished product.

I purchased TRS2006 with the intent on using all my old content and routes I created 4 years ago, but unfortunately I cannot download a single thing from the DLS so I cannot update the dependencies. I don't have the time to muck around with Trainz like I did before. I only have the time to enjoy it, I don't have the time to fix something that has been advertised as a selling point to work.

I own my own business, and my success is based on the foundation of servicing my client so they get what they pay for and recieve WHAT I HAD OFFERED IN THE ORIGINAL BID, if they don't, then I must make due.

My problem here, is the fact that since the comunity in trainz is soo strong, that it holds Auran from falling and Auran has been using that as a crutch for a long time. Perfect example is the CMP problems. Someone figured out that if you mess with the login procedures you can get it to work. Well Auran looks at that and takes a less agressive aproach at fixing the problem since the paying customers have figured a workaround.

Well I still haven't figured a way to get CMP to work. I have tried the forum fixes, but only for 5 minutes. When it became rediculous, I realized it's time Auran step up to the plate and fix it.

The biggest problem I see is the fact that the Auran Asset server and possibly the entire net connection is way oversubscribed. I always experience high latency and slow speeds from the Auran server. If they have enough people trying to download that it overloads the servers, then do good and upscale the system. Thats what my clients would expect, why don't you?

I know how some of you enjoy Trainz. I know that it is very important to you, but don't let it blind you from what you as a customer deserve.

Disregard this thread. As most of you said you feel it is wrong. And the last thing I wanna do is rock the boat.

I have sent a mail into the help desk with two requests.

1. Reset my FCT, since it is unusable since I activated it.
2. If I can't use the CMP to download content by friday, I want my money back and I will happily ship them back the disks and package.

All this because I want people to do the right thing.
The biggest problem I see is the fact that the Auran Asset server and possibly the entire net connection is way oversubscribed. I always experience high latency and slow speeds from the Auran server. If they have enough people trying to download that it overloads the servers, then do good and upscale the system. Thats what my clients would expect, why don't you?

I expect value for money and that's what Trainz represents (in my opinion). To solve the download speed I bought a FCT. Also good value for money.
I expect value for money and that's what Trainz represents (in my opinion). To solve the download speed I bought a FCT. Also good value for money.

I also have the FCT. I cannot download with it or without it.

Also, when I speak of the, "Auran Server", I mean the entire package, the website, asset server, planet auran etc. It is all slow and represents an oversubscribed network.
I have a original copy from years back but went on to msts instead after a year of that bs I found it worth checkin out trs 2006 and although it was here we go again learning process........

Although MSTS has tons more great models (USA) TRS2006 at least allowed me to actually build in surveyor and create scenes normally!
MSTS consistent fatal error bs...........
But after a year I find TRAINZ tops in stable creating abilities as far as I am concerned.....

and I am finding a lotta great modelers coming out with a lot of USA based items which is much appreciated.........(hats off to those folks)

So my satisfaction rate is 100% compared to any other projects of headaches I ve dealt with........

Dave =)