Itrainz portal/chat appears quiet.


New member
Has anyone been using the Itrainz chat/portal lately? I have been on it for the past few days and it has been quiet.
I am doing the Itrainz portal/chat this evening if anyone is interested. Everyone with TRS2006 (any version) is welcome to come and have a go if you wish to.

You can use either TWPR North (for the interactive industries) or TWPR South (for the yards and like sorting stock out). Or use your own route with at least 1 iportal, some interactive industries and/or a yard.
Hi how you doing yeah yeah the Iportal Is cool If you are online and that Im to :rolleyes: for some time I online some time I not online for I play the sims 2 to:o

m.v.h morten svendsen:) :) :)
I am doing the Itrainz portal/chat this evening if anyone is interested. Everyone with TRS2006 (any version) is welcome to come and have a go if you wish to.

You can use either TWPR North (for the interactive industries) or TWPR South (for the yards and like sorting stock out). Or use your own route with at least 1 iportal, some interactive industries and/or a yard.

Just when do you think you will be on? As between Germany and England there is not much of a time difference I might be able to do this.

I am doing the Itrainz portal/chat this evening if anyone is interested. Everyone with TRS2006 (any version) is welcome to come and have a go if you wish to.

You can use either TWPR North (for the interactive industries) or TWPR South (for the yards and like sorting stock out). Or use your own route with at least 1 iportal, some interactive industries and/or a yard.
Whats TWPR anwyays maybe i'll just have fun with that ...:o
TWPR = TideWater Point Rail Thorinoakin, its the TRS 04/06 built-in route from Trainz Pro Routes. In TRS 06, a copy of the route has split into 2 to act as a demo for the iportal/ichat system.
How do you add to a list? What list? What is Ichat? How can I use it and enable it for use? On Iportal, it says that I am offline. How do I get online?

If you could answer all of my questions, that would be most helpful :D.
DerCaptain, most of your answers are located in the TRS2006/TC manual, plus there are plenty of posts about this too so a quick search should point you in the right direction :) .
I'll be on in TC3, if anyone has any default trains (preferably loaded freight trains) to send, send them to portal ID tdstaylorTC3, or on TRS06 to ID tdstaylor06.
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