Is Trainz Classics worth it?


New member
Hello Everyone,
I stopped playing TRS2004 about 2 years ago, and now want to start playing again :). Is the newest version - Trainz Classics worth getting, or should I just stick with TRS2004? I'm not a developer, so I don't have to worry about compatibility issues or anything like that.

Also, since I'm in the United States, should I get Trainz Railways or should I order Trainz Classics off of the Auran Store?

You get both.
If you want to run Classics but use some 2006/2004 routes, expect to first identify what content you need to transfer. Classics came with less so some of the default 2004/2006 items are not there and will show as missing. As for non-route items, so far, I have figured out most of the errors from what I installed and gotten help here for anything I cannot.
Even if you just want 2006, I'd still say get Railwayz, you never know there might be some Classics items you want to transfer in to 2006 for your own use. Getting Railwayz covers you either way.
But before deciding which one to use, try out both to see how your computer handles them. Some have had problems running Classics and went to 2006 or 2004. Me, 2006 actually runs slower than Classics and I like that Classics leaves out some default content I never used.
Worst case, you go back to 2004 BUT you now have access to 2006/Calssics items some of which could be tranferred into 2004 (not all but some).
On my system, Trainz Classics runs choppy compared to 2006.

I have an HP with AMD 64 3300+, 1024mb ram , Nvidea 6800 128mb AGP card.

I should upgrade the video card to a 256mb card. I'm sure increasing the ram to 2 gigs would help. But for a straight comparision, Trainz 2006 is do-able on my current system and Classics is not.
On my system, Trainz Classics runs Better compared to 2006.

CPU: AMD Athlon 64 3500+, 2.20 GHz,
2 GB Memory
NVIDIA GeForce 7600 GS 512MB

TC runs the same route as 06 up to 10 FPS faster with no stuter

Classics runs about the same as 2006 on my system maybe a bit smoother.

CPU: Intel QuadCore 2.4 Duo
Video: Nvidia 8800GTS 640
Vista 64-bit
Is Classics Worth it ?

Well I just bought it and installed it but am dismayed to see only two routes !
With 2006 I had Razorback Railway and stuff and here I've got almost nothing. Don't understand.
And after registering, I apparently get a free first class ticket to download things from the download station. But this only lasts 30 days. I never downloaded anything from here before. I had more than enough content with 2006. After thirty days then is that it ? (unless I pay I assume).
Well I just bought it and installed it but am dismayed to see only two routes !
With 2006 I had Razorback Railway and stuff and here I've got almost nothing. Don't understand.
And after registering, I apparently get a free first class ticket to download things from the download station. But this only lasts 30 days. I never downloaded anything from here before. I had more than enough content with 2006. After thirty days then is that it ? (unless I pay I assume).

You don't need a FCT to download items. It is also possible to download without one. The only difference is that its limited in speed ( 5kbs ) and maximum of 100 MB per day.
There are ways to migrate TRS06 content to Classics. I don't know how, but when you use search I am sure you will find some educated answers.
It is a bit of a process. The way I would do it:
1 - Open the route for edit or clone it in 2006 CMP.
2 - Make sure you have nothing else in your TRS2006/editing folder.
3 - In TC CMP, use Import Content choosing the 2006 edit folder.
4 - Copy all the items missing from the list (select 1, use Shift + Down Arrow until all missing items are highlighted, right click and choose Copy, paste into open Notepad.
5 - Go back into TRS2006 CMP, Revert to Original the route then find everything on your list and do Step 1 for all, followed by Step 3. Then come back to 2006 CMP, Ctrl + A all Open items and Revert to Original.
6 - Commit all items in TC CMP.

Yeah, it is involved, you should see what I go through if I make several reskins of one item, all those config files I have to change, this is easier.;)