Is there ever such thing as 'too much' detail? (Large images)


New member
First post in the 'new' screenshots forum:


Just a little something to get my skills up for the Mt Barker Junction - Victor Harbor project. :)

Edit: Tried to edit the title for an image size warning, but couldn't.
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Nice work!
i must argee!
now, if i could use somebody like you to superdetail my old shortline on the BCSR....

The bridge is built in to TRS2006, under "NSW Girder bridge" in the tracks menu (there is also various bridges to join up to this track/bridge in the buildings menu). The concrete pylon's are under the track object menu.
Never more detail I want it too look real I got a new pc so I could pile in more detail to my layout and models :p Then upped the ram to 2 gig to see the pretty detail here look at this movie n see the detail in my test layout........................................ Living in the suburan 70's
That is great Alyx.
You've made me want to make a screenshot layout, with my workshops on it now!
Thanks guys.

borntobeatrainzer, i'll check for you a bit later on. :)
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