Is there a way to get KUID Number of Object?


RR Mod Maker
I am new to Surveyor and am working on editing a route and wanted to ask if there is a way to get the KUID number of an object in a route? that way i can try to find it, and know which one it is. I know the Get Object will actually fetch it, but i would like a way to identify it by the KUID number so i can find the folder in the downloads folder..or wherever it lives in the sim files.

thanks for help on this if possible. i will keep digging for it too.
Trainzoptions: -ShowKuids
Displays the kuid of the currently selected asset in Surveyor, especially useful when an unfamiliar asset is selected by one of the get tools. No effect in Driver, Scenarios, etc.

After clicking on Start from the launcher screen you need to go to Main Menu, top left, then Options. On the first screen is a check box next to "show object/track/train kuids in surveyor" click in the box to get a tick. Now when you use the get tool or select an object from the lists you will see the kuid for that asset. They are colour coded depending on the source of the asset.

Many things that were in Trainzoptions are now coded into the ingame options - this is one of them.
Get the object name with get object. Next, go to Content Manager, type the name of the asset in the search box.
Get the object name with get object. Next, go to Content Manager, type the name of the asset in the search box.

Nice one oknotsen, one proviso though, this will work well as long as there is only one asset with that name, sometimes there are multiple assets with the same name.
oops. looks like it wont work for 2004, didnt see anywhere to set that option, i am using the 2004 surveyor. any way to do it for that?

thanks and sorry about that. while we are at it, trying to figure out the copy and paste feature....cant seem to figure out how to select say a house, copy and paste a copy next to it...yet.
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I rename all of my favorite assets, config file, username tag line, with the Prefix: "AA PRR" xxxx xxxxx then all my favorite assets show up on the tipo of my surveyor pick list under "AA"
oops. looks like it wont work for 2004, didnt see anywhere to set that option, i am using the 2004 surveyor. any way to do it for that? ~snip~ .

You need to add a line to your trainzoptions.txt file as advised by cascaderailroad in post #2 . It works just fine in TRS2004 – I use it all the time.

Here’s the location as seen on my system. Yours should be similar. Just add the line -ShowKuids making sure you have the hyphen character at the beginning. (If you have TrainzObjectz it’s even easier to do).


When you restart Trainz you should then see the kuid number for your selected item at the lower right of the screen, like this:

OMG you just made my year. thanks so much, i was busy with work and just came back to see this, what a gift thanks so much

very happy about this