D davesnow Crabby Old Geezer Mar 17, 2016 #2 It would be a lot easier to clone the locomotive as many times as you want different numbers, then skin the numbers onto the locos.
It would be a lot easier to clone the locomotive as many times as you want different numbers, then skin the numbers onto the locos.
P PerRock Moderator - Read the CoC! Mar 17, 2016 #3 Depends on how the locomotive was made & you'll have to know 3D modeling. So just making lots of different numbers is probably the easier option. peter
Depends on how the locomotive was made & you'll have to know 3D modeling. So just making lots of different numbers is probably the easier option. peter
K ktain.ny Active member Mar 17, 2016 #4 Well n8phu did it on his reskin of the dda40x, we should ask him.
S simulatortrain jointed freaking rails Mar 17, 2016 #5 It wouldn't be any different than doing it to something you do have the mesh for once you got the planes placed.
It wouldn't be any different than doing it to something you do have the mesh for once you got the planes placed.
R rr325 New member Mar 17, 2016 #6 So one needs a 3d modeling program to do it? In that case I'll just clone it.