Is it just me or is the forum boring lately?


That or talk about a few things.
  1. Complain about how TRS2006 dont work, when you can use the search function to solve you problem.:sleep:
  2. Talk about M$T$2. :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:
  3. Other random stuff like Xbox360. :sleep: :sleep:
Please note the simleys show a rating of how borning the subjects are.

;):hehe: I think that old theory 'you are nobody if you don't own or set a forum" is fading and giving way to "Do you own a forum? what a nuisance!". :hehe:

The lighter side of Alberte :wave:
Some of the "highly intelectuals" are most likly studying for tests.

I have a regent exams in June. We just started review.

And that also puts out students, the majority of the members are I believe.

Plus young adults are the people that use the computer and internet the most these days.

I happen to be one of them.:p At 15 and a freshman in high school, I'm hit with tests every other week. I'm one of the top A students in my class.

Plus young adults are the people that use the computer and internet the most these days.

Oh yes? I'm 57 (hrumph hrurgh hrup! :o ) and I'm online for an average of 5-6 hours each day! (Wot a sad sad ol' man! :'( )

Be careful not to accept what you think; always check it out.


Plus young adults are the people that use the computer and internet the most these days.

Oh yes? I'm 57 (hrumph hrurgh hrup! :o ) and I'm online for an average of 5-6 hours each day! (Wot a sad sad ol' man! :'( )

Be careful not to accept what you think; always check it out.



It's ok Nix us 30-40's group are still heavy users too:'(

Really and truly, all the young'ns are off studying. :wave: So I guess that leaves us oldies (yes I'm gettin' there too) to hold the fort and get in some serious trainzing. :wave:
When I wuz yer age we did'n have forums. We had to walk 10 miles, barefoot, through a raging blizzard to scratch messages on a scrap of treebark.
And in the winter, things got tough.:hehe:

Or you could just say "why aren't these posts interesting?" and let the party start.

:cool: Claude
Interesting.....the age thing....hummm

Lets see according to the actuaries life expectancy of a male in the United States is 74 years old. I am 39 which is closer to 74 than 0. I am not a youngster and I am not an oldtimer. So I must be a midtimer.:hehe:
I started the age thing!!

As my dad always says:

"I'm one day away from birth, but one day closer to death!"
Frank G. Wiethuechter

He is 67, turning 68 in June.:eek: I am currently 15. My mom is 57. Do the math.:p
