iPortals - Trains not stopping


New member
I'm having a bit of a problem with iportals. I've configured 2 local (to my computer) iportals. Both are set to manual (trains brake after exit)

There is no problem with actually sending trains across from one layout to the other - however on arrival they sometimes fail to stop after exiting - a loco on its own always stops - with one wagon attached it stops a little further up the track - any more than 1 wagon and it does not stop

In all cases where it does not stop the loco has no driver (seen with F6). This happens whether the loco is a FP40 or a 0-6-4 tank engine.

Thinking that it might be the track grade making it impossible for the loaded train to stop in time, I leveled the track for some good 10 train lengths ahead. This had no effect.

Any ideas as to what is going on? (TRS2006 + SP1)
hmmmmm, are the wagons.... 1. Going through the engine after it stops 2.or do the engine wheels lock up but yet the train still refuses to stop?

If its 2, Its a discovery I made awhile ago, try shortening the train to a weight the engine can safely handle.

If its 1. I have no idea.
1) No the train remains intact
2) Wheels do not lock up

I'm zeroing in on the wagons I'm using as being the problem... The same engine stops with 4 x Baby Ruth wagons (= 88Tons in tow), but will not stop with 3 x empty wagons I want to use (= 24 Tons).
It may be the engine spec for the wagons (I think they are mine)

I updated my wagon engine specs a while ago, someone had a slight problem not dissimilar to yours that I fixed. I will send you an updated wagon spec.
Paul... It's a strange one...

Loco on it's own stops
Loco + 1x Wagon stops (8 tons )
Loco + 2x Wagons stops but much (ie more than the extra car length) further on ( 16 tons )
Loco + 3x Wagons (24 tons ) runs on ( & with no driver!)
Loco + 3x Baby Ruth ( 66 tons ) stops

In all cases where the train stops it has been created with a valid driver...

The only difference I can see between the generic and the custom wagon engine specs is the number of axles. I have tested the generic specs with the Wagons but with no joy... NOT axles then

So what else is different... The Baby Ruths are much heavier, yet they stop... NOT the capacity of the engine to brake the train then...

The lack of a driver is surely a clue that something is going wrong with creation of the train and handing it on to the AI...

The Baby Ruths are a longer length...but why would this effect the IPortal... it surely could just count the wagons to know when the train is clear, and creation is complete... Does it also (mis)calculate the length of the train in some way?... and where would it get the data from?

Stefan (Frascati)
The wagons are far lighter (and shorter) than modern ones

a) try increasing the weight of wagons (in config)
b) try removing the driver from the loco (in config), so it defaults to an Auran one

We may have to invent a special wagon that fools the consist into doing what you want.

I have sent you 3 different engine specs, one of those may get the things running OK
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Sorry for my English.
We are a group, www.spaintrainzrutas.com, we have been doing sessions with iPortal and Teamspeack, from a year ago, provided they work the iServer.
Our experience has shown us that some crazy along with some wagons give the problem mentioned, I believe that this is to treat read-write of iPortales, entering without a driver and without stopping.

The iPortales have three states:
Waiting, its normal state.
Creating train.
Consumes train.

When the problem occurs on a train without a driver, iPortal stays locked in Creating train, so the iportal is useless.
By experience, we have developed a solution:
Putting a new driver and achieve a partial control, we can only give orders in DCC, and sending the train back to iPortal until it is reset and passed to the state Waiting.
Thus we again have the iPortal and operating the train under control, this time the total.

i have also found that IF an iPortal is placed with less than about 10% of it on an existing board, by this i mean if you have an iPortal hanging in space at edge of a board. It had a tendancy to let trains drive into space. moving it a bit more onto the board leaving less overhanging solved it for me. We also use Teamspeak and iPortal in a similar way.