Iportal group (new)


New member
This is a continuation of the topic made by engine about the iportals.

As you probably gathered, we want to start a group that focuses on running there routes with other users helping out with resources. I would like to have to sub groups within this group, for a specific reason.

One sub group will be for the people who have first class tickets, and are willing to download the necesary rolling stock to send trains. This group will take longer to set up, and will require much more communication between the users. Group one will primarly ship LARS products, with the acception of some built in (crude oil, general goods).

The second sub group is for those without firstclass tickets, and unwilling to suffer through the painfully slow download speeds without it. This group will use built in content and products, and will be easier to set up, because it's all built in.

I will be in both groups, so I will accept built in, load it, and resend, however I will NOT have any built in rail cars stocked in my yard, I will only load it and resend, or bridge a train to another user.

I will eventually compile a list of rolling stock and locomotives that I will use, aswell as products I ship. (I will keep payware engines strictly on my route, I won't send them out)

To sign up, simply let me know which group you would like to be in, and what railway company you will be using. Group 1 is the FCT one, Group 2 is the built in content one, I will be in both.

Group 1
1 - Borg7of10 - Canadian National Railway
2 - Engine49 - Union Pacific
Group 2
1 - Borg7of10 - Canadian National Railway - Receive, load, and rerouting only.
2 - Engine49 - Union Pacific - Recieive, Reroute, load, unload
3 - yoshicool - United Kingdom Railway. (Assuming)

List of assets I currently use. (Those in group 2 don't have a heart attack, this list doesn't apply to you :p )
CN Railway asset list - TRS2006
CN Dash 9 #2522
CN Dash 9 #2527
CN Dash 9 #2642
CN SD40u #6024
CN SD40u #6000
CN SD40 #5232
CN SD40#5055
CN SD40#5000
CN SD60F #5555
CN SD60F #5537
CN SD50F #5455
CN SD50F #5432
CN SD50F # 5422
CN GP9rm #7239

Rolling Stock
CN 50ft Boxcar pack by Cozmo, avalible on DLS.
CN 50ft Hi-cube boxcars, avalible at uslw.com in the 50ft hi-cube pack
CN autorack from trainzproroutes
CN H62R hopper from RRmods.com
Tanker_CPAX23962(LARS) from DLS
CN Centerbeam from trainzproroutes
60ft Gondola from rrmods
45ft bulkheads (all) from rrmods
370 ton flat car from USLW.com (I have a few in the yard, you wont see them to often)

Group 1 can receive the following products from me
Automobile - Crysler
General Goods
Diesel Fuel
Liquid Propane Gas
PV Plywood 8ft
Canadian Forest Products CANFOR 8ft
Lumber 8ft
Lumber 16ft
Millar Western Lumber pack 8ft
Grain HP
Petrol Fuel
Paper Roll

I consume the following resources
General Goods
Crude Oil
Tires (Loadable in 50ft boxcar)
Auto Parts (Loadable in 50ft boxcar)
Automobile Engimes (Loadable in 50ft boxcar)

I am pretty much ready to go, aside from the fact I am unable to establish a connection to the server.

Please note - When requesting resources from me, it may take a wile, as I will pull the necesary cars off of passing AI trains, so I will not always have the rolling stock avalible right away. However, I am working on figuring out a system that will help me overcome this. I will update later on when I have figured it all out.​
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group 1=2. engine49. union pacific

group 2=2. engine49 union pacific. reoute, load and unload. but no junk trainz that cannot be stored
I need to know what railway company you will be using. Hours of operation have yet to be decided.

Engine, I will be sending you a PM sometime soon to figure out what rolling stock we need, and what resources we will be sending.
got it.

but for some of these people we might have to add some uk rollingstock. with a couple of uk engines.

like for yohiscool
ok, so are we going to also use uk or are we allowed to use are u.s comany for transporting goods, in and out of are yards, and industries

my other computer that has trianz on it just got a virus from downloading some content form the dls. so i am re-booting.

,ight be a lil while 2day before i inish gathering the cars and rollingstock for group 2
im confused how are you useing iportal when i have done every thing short of reinstalling windows and iportal/ichat showing offline
Ya, I have no connection to the iportal server, we'll have to keep trying.

Commodities List updated.
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