invalid KUID user id


New member
G'day, I just put the "Southern China <kuid:521433:1079>" into TANE, all went pretty smoothly except for six assets which TANE told me that "This asset has an invalid KUID user id" funny about that as they are built in in TS12 so it seems we have a double standard here, N3V can use them in the route built in with no worries but not in TANE. I have a route in TS10 with four of the six assets in it without an issue.
Although there are a lot of good things about TANE it is for me these petty things that N3V have done which are spoiling it. Better the register those authors or remove those assets from TS12. It might be interesting to see how many unregistered users are in TS12.
The problem is well known unfortunately, and it's been caused by some creators choosing not to use their assigned user ID. It is those creators who will need to do something about it although for built-in assets there are replacements that I believe was on James Moody's blog.


I had this error in one of the assets that I have repaired and it turned out to be a spelling error in the kuid listed in the obsolete table that was causing this. If I recall correctly the word kuid had been used twice and deleting the offending section got rid of the error. It might not be this in every case but it is worth checking.


The problem is well known unfortunately, and it's been caused by some creators choosing not to use their assigned user ID. It is those creators who will need to do something about it although for built-in assets there are replacements that I believe was on James Moody's blog.

G'day Shane, thanks for the reply, but where is this "James Moody's blog"?
G'day Shane, thanks for that link but it was N3V that caused the problem in the first place and is now left for the user to fix it. I know that some will say "OH it's only six assets swap them over but that is easier said than done in TANE at this time and it still goes that N3V should NEVER have used invalid assets.
G'day Shane, thanks for that link but it was N3V that caused the problem in the first place and is now left for the user to fix it. I know that some will say "OH it's only six assets swap them over but that is easier said than done in TANE at this time and it still goes that N3V should NEVER have used invalid assets.

'Nuf said on this...
I actually started the exercise as a TS12 Beta Tester. A good many of the invalid user ID assets (CM author name starts with #) were solved by finding the author or eliminating the asset where it had no dependents.
However, a complicating factor was that some of the dependents were builtin routes and multiplayer so had to remain.

While I have not revisited this issue for over a year, here are some stats that put the current status into perspective. This is based on a TS12 TB 3.7 instal I have that includes all TS12 accessible assets.

Only affects builtins as far as I can ascertain. Takes too long to bring up all assets in TS12.


8 authors
16 assets total
83 dependents affected.

Of these:

31 Russian
3 Chinese
4 Australian

Includes 26 multiplayer
A good many are variants of three major routes from previous builtins.

A check of TANE TB 4.2 with all DLS downloadable assets (363,479 with about 98,000 obsolete at TB 4.2 compliance on 15 Sep 15) does not show any author names beginning with #.
But be aware that we still have several thousand exTS12 builtins not yet uploaded to DLS. I doubt that these invalid names will feature.
Whether replacement assets will be provided only N3V or the route authors can answer that. Considering the three main routes affected:

South China
Robe River 2012

I would expect that some at least will, but all in good time. Higher priorities with TANE HF1 and SP1 and yet to be released.
In addition some DLC and TRS2009 add-ons such as Murchison II (high detailed) and SnC need converting to TANE compatability.
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