I have a couple of questions. The one that I want to ask concerns signaling a particular type of crossing, but I can't figure out how to add a screen shot of it so it'll be tough for anyone to visualize.
If someone can help me with posting the screen shot that would be great.
Here’s a description of what I’m trying to signal. (Sorry, I’m relatively new to this and don’t quite know the correct railroad terms.) I have two parallel tracks (laid in Surveyor as individual tracks in opposite directions). These are then connected by cross over tracks which form a diamond.
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I saw this setup in an article in one of the railroading magazines (can’t remember which one). I thought it looked pretty cool and want to add one to my layout.
I'm using the Junction Controller V2 to interlock the junctions so that two trains cannot enter the crossing at the same time. I've tried to use the Control Diamond Crossing but the problem I have is that it does not release the signal (it stays at danger).
I’ve seen some pretty creative solutions here and thought I’d throw this “problem” out there. I’ve been going crazy for a couple of weeks over it.
If someone can help me with posting the screen shot that would be great.
Here’s a description of what I’m trying to signal. (Sorry, I’m relatively new to this and don’t quite know the correct railroad terms.) I have two parallel tracks (laid in Surveyor as individual tracks in opposite directions). These are then connected by cross over tracks which form a diamond.
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I saw this setup in an article in one of the railroading magazines (can’t remember which one). I thought it looked pretty cool and want to add one to my layout.
I'm using the Junction Controller V2 to interlock the junctions so that two trains cannot enter the crossing at the same time. I've tried to use the Control Diamond Crossing but the problem I have is that it does not release the signal (it stays at danger).
I’ve seen some pretty creative solutions here and thought I’d throw this “problem” out there. I’ve been going crazy for a couple of weeks over it.