Industrial screenshot


New member
If you want post in this thread yours pics with industrial themes....

Last edited:
These are old pics that I have already put in the former version of the forum...







The whole map with all contents is available oin my web site.
Thank you for compliments
Ciao Nunzio sono Tino (TZIT) buon anno innanzitutto e poi stai bene? Spero tutto OK.
Conoscendoti posso solo fidarmi delle tue immense doti visto che al momento non riesco a vedere i tuoi screen, (credo sia un problema mio ... temporaneo? bho).

In ogni caso buon lavoro ed a risentirci presto. Ciao
Incredible! i say unbelieveable! that route is, Magnificent!

like somebody else said above, 1000 out of 10.
Thank you once again for praise...
However I would like if other people post their industrial pics like this ;)


Ciao Tino. Che bello risentire i vecchi amici di TrainzItalia. Buon anno anche a te. Tutto bene con Maratta & C.
Hi nundes --

I've just downloaded and run your route. Very good, except perhaps some of the curves and grades are just a little bit too sharp?

"However I would like if other people post their industrial pics like this"

Urban IndustRail - not quite so scenically detailed, but full of operational possibilities (with numerous sessions also on the Download Station):







Begin to come interesting pics finally ... :D
Many thanks to all contributors. I am sure that industrial-layout lovers like me will appreciate them.
Come on business leaders! Post other screen of your factory. There are people that love (just virtually) chimneys, cranes, sheds, furnaces and, of course, big operational locos... ;)


See you later...
Really great looking shots. They are inspiring and get me back in the mood to create another route.
hey, wonderful shotz! i'll have to do my industrial part on my upcoming route soon i guess!
i'll post pics if i can.
Ciao Tino. Che bello risentire i vecchi amici di TrainzItalia. Buon anno anche a te. Tutto bene con Maratta & C.

E' vero è proprio bello risentirci pergiunta attraverso canali Australiani :)

Si tutto bene in TZIT Pro, e gli amici stanno tutti bene, riferiro loro che ci siamo parlati e ti anticipo gia' i loro Auguri e Saluti.

Complimenti per gli ultimi screen, sono fantasticamente inquinati :)
Sei riuscito poi a risolvere i problemi di pesantezza di questo layout e a muoverti con un treno o ti limiti a semplici (si fa per dire) screen?

Ciao Nunzio ci si sente ...
is this italian you guys are speaking? if so, i want to learn how!

*sorry to be off topic, PM me...:) :D *
Nunzio Great Route

The Steel Mill you created appears to be a modern mill. I am working on steel mill constructed pre-1950. I would really like to know where did you get 1.) Pipes 2.) conveyors 3.) coke plant 4.) red & gray BOF? Are they on the DSL?

Thanks for the great thread.

P.S. I'll post my steel mill screen shot as soon as I have the time to figure out how to do it.:confused:

Matt Sprague
Ciao Tino. Certo che puoi salutare gli amici di Trainz. Anzi dopo passo io e lo faccio di persona.
Mi spiace ma il layout è sempre quello pesante e megapolinomiale. Appena cambio pc... :rolleyes: sto già studiando un nuovo progetto...:D ancora più grande.

Hy matt. Is a pleasure meet you. Above all I am interested in your job experience in a steelmill. Actually I have studied so much steelmaking processing to create as much as real possible plant. My layout is inspired to Bagnoli (Naples-Italy) Italsider steel plant. You can find all contents with layout in a zipped file in my web site.
Most of creations are downloaded fromn DLS. My personal contributions are mainly coke plant e the basic oxygen furnace (red color is a tribute to the original).

These are detail of coke plant (note the spinter machine)... the unique in its genre... :o






Bye. Come on with others screen. I remember old pics, that are available in the former version of the forum, but that I have not still see.