Industrial Piping assets


Prototype Operations Guru
I've searched the DLS and have yet to find any assets that will allow me to add all the piping to a chemical industry I am modeling. Here is a google view of the industry.,-122.7106423,161a,20y,124.82h,45.04t/data=!3m1!1e3


Any suggestions or any content creators out there want to give this a try? Not exactly sure how it should be done, but here are some ideas. Splines would work for the horizontal runs, but I don't think it is possible to make a vertical spline. Assets of fixed length would work as well. They could be several sizes in 10 ft or 3m incriments. Each length could be of one pipe and another of 5 pipes. There could also be single pipes of different colors. The right angle bends might be a problem, so how about hiding them in a support structure?



  • Solenis1.jpg
    107.5 KB · Views: 5
  • Solenis2.jpg
    107.7 KB · Views: 131
For TS12 try:
Dave Snow:Kuid:101046: Ethanol Pipes
FMA Kuid:149987: FMA Pipes
Splatter: Kuid:37609: LP Pipes
Alsio in CMP -Keyword- Pipe will bring up others
I don't know if they work in Tane.
Ive got about 4 such industries to add in my WIP route too :/ The tanks are giving me enough hassle, but the pipes I have been just using a single asset for so far. Will dig out the number for you, but I found the spline format worked well enough if you use the fences trick - you can do right angles with three closely spaced control points, placed at three points of the right angled triangle.
I did a series of pipe splines with diameters 0.1m - 2.0m recently. Shiny metal through to rusty. They are for T:ANE, author ID 68213 on the DLS.

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Hello David --

By looking at that picture it matches Splatter set of pipes! Also, download Logman's pipe -- he reskinned Splatter's so can be useful.

Thanks for the tips. Logman's & Splatter's pipes are a bit bigger than what I was hoping for, but I think I can make them work.

I just gotta learn how to make these things myself.

Thanks for the tips. Logman's & Splatter's pipes are a bit bigger than what I was hoping for, but I think I can make them work.

I just gotta learn how to make these things myself.


Hello David,

I am not really into making anything now, however, I can make a few pipes to your liking!

Detail dimensions, size .... spline or static or both, etc ... You can noted here, or PM, or emails, etc ... whatever you like!!

Also, check out Vulcan's oil containers .... they look similar to your picture!
